2024-09-03 [08:59:32.0491] Going to be a bit late to the meeting 2024-09-04 [14:23:31.0988] > <@littledan:matrix.org> I'm curious how your tracing framework deals with these third-party integration cases today, and how well that works out. It's still at way too early a stage to say, I think. We've integrated it into a single Angular application (our internal metrics tool, as a dogfood prototype) and are still working on integrating it with Wiz (our internal-only UI framework) to use it in a second product. So we don't have all that much data yet, though we _did_ end up not monkey-patching `addEventListener` in order to get as far as we have - i.e. events are always in dispatch-context, with async events in the empty context for now. 2024-09-05 [06:07:49.0643] Yeah it’s Ok if the information isn’t a complete conclusion, but you learned enough to push back on one proposed design, so I am interested in learning more details about what you found in that one application that led you to give that feedback. Just more concrete things about the example, doesn’t need to be a slam-dunk. [06:09:01.0980] You were previously saying, we should conclude on this question by the next TC39 meeting. Now it seems like you changed your mind. I would like to know more about how this initial product integration led you to that. [06:09:38.0274] Understanding this context will help the rest of us all feel out the possible solution space [07:16:33.0220] > <@stephenhicks:matrix.org> It's still at way too early a stage to say, I think. We've integrated it into a single Angular application (our internal metrics tool, as a dogfood prototype) and are still working on integrating it with Wiz (our internal-only UI framework) to use it in a second product. So we don't have all that much data yet, though we _did_ end up not monkey-patching `addEventListener` in order to get as far as we have - i.e. events are always in dispatch-context, with async events in the empty context for now. Drafting a doc on [OpenTelemetry's use style](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16bhmAnx5OVjz4jyA1Dn9Qyeyh4R4UJMxZ5wdzggjgPM/edit?usp=sharing). [07:17:14.0725] It'd be great to learn more about the always in dispatch-context cases! [07:17:28.0675] * It'd be great to learn more about how useful it is with the always in dispatch-context cases! 2024-09-17 [09:05:21.0349] Hey, is anybody joining?