hey, a thought -- we are quite packed for this meeting
how about we do blitz updates? for those who are willing to significantly shorten their presentations
so, for example i can shorten my presentation to 3 minutes maybe?
<Rob Palmer>
This is a good idea! Please update the agenda if you are willing to shorten your session. As inspiration, I recommend reading the minutes for Chip's updates on ECMA-404. They are admirably short. Be like Chip.
maybe we can do it lightning talk style, people update their thing with "blitz" or somethinig, and we set aside 15-20 minutes for all of them?
Maybe also, at the beginning of the meeting and topics, we can give people an extra chance to shorten their timebox?
+1 can't rely on enough delegates reading this channel outside of plenary
I would be happy to shorten the Temporal item if delegates feel like they had enough of a chance to review the slides and the normative PRs being presented beforehand, and they prove uncontroversial (as I hope they will). I don't know if I can count on that happening, though.