i have no idea
time to add analytics
Rob Palmer (also bterlson Aki ): the October meeting is on London time, and the agenda says GMT - but isn't the UK on BST until 10/31/21, which is an hour different from GMT? trying to confirm as i make the next agenda skeleton
<Rob Palmer>
Ahhh. Timezones. It's London time. If BST runs then, it is BST.
<Justin Ridgewell>
String concat means double-escaping, or prefixing String.raw for every line, which reduces readability and makes it easier to make mistakes.
Need that String.dedent tagged template… I should really bring that back.
Has anyone played around with GitHub Discussions in proposal repositories, as an alternative to GitHub Issues for non-bugs?
For example, I figure https://github.com/js-choi/proposal-bigint-math/issues/5 would be good as a Discussion rather than an Issue, since there’s nothing “actionable” there, but it’s still a nice thread to have as a discussion/reference (rather than disappearing as a closed issue).
my impression is that people do not ever think to look in the discussions tab, which makes it a bad place to put discussions
at least, I never think to look there
sidebar: can someone mark https://github.com/guybedford/proposal-is-usv-string/issues/12#issuecomment-911265901 as off-topic and ask that commenter to stop posting this stuff on this proposal?
at least, I never think to look there

Yeah, people probably would find GitHub discussions most often whenever an issue to which they’re subscribed gets converted to a discussion—or when they search for phrases in a repository with matching discussions.

Closed issues seem like a similar black hole to me too, though. People might not deliberately look in discussions tabs, but people might not deliberately look in closed issues either (the default issues filter being only open issues).

can't speak for anyone else, but I regularly search among all issues, including closed, and I don't think that pulls in discussions
i don't even know what discussions are
i mean i know the english word
FYI https://docs.github.com/en/discussions
it is highly unlikely i will be motivated enough to learn a new UI and remember to check it
Tho there aren't many tc39 repo has enabled that feature IIRC
I regularly search through closed issues as well when I'm opening a new issue, but I receive enough comments/issues from people (on most github/gitlab repos that I've ever maintained) that makes me think few people do
it is highly unlikely i will be motivated enough to learn a new UI and remember to check it
I figure that, if any repository used GitHub Discussions, we wouldn’t ever need to specifically check any repository’s Discussions—because updates to any Discussions (in any repository to which we’re subscribed) would show up with issue updates in our notifications anyway.
might bold of you to assume i check any GH updates :)
can one of the TC39 space admins create a "Structs and Shared Structs" room for me please?