Heads up to the CoC committee: I just posted a bunch of new issues in the pipe-operator repository (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator/issues), marked a bunch of passionate off-topic comments in other threads off-topic, and asked people to use the new issues.
So we might get a lot more discussion traffic over the next few days, and I fear that we might get some emotional tensions again. Hopefully not, though!
my log service now supports search (e.g. https://matrixlogs.bakkot.com/TC39_Delegates/search?q=stage )
I'd like to petition to have it replace the "public logs" link the topic, which is I think substantially worse than my logs
(Btw I was talking about historical cases, not this one. Happy to explain more in private if someone in the CoC wants to discuss with me.)
(the most critical CoC issues are around the behavior of delegates, not just online commenters, IMO)