But /(?i:(...))\1/.exec('abcABC') wouldn't.
Thanks for looking into this. I took another look over the spec, and BackreferenceMatcher (https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-backreference-matcher) does indeed compare each character using Canonicalize. Per the proposal for modifiers, the backreference would be checked using the canonicalization based on the current setting for ignoreCase, so this is correct.
In addition, /(...)(?-i:\1)/i.exec('abcABC') would also fail to match.
The proposal specifies this behavior here: https://tc39.es/proposal-regexp-modifiers/#sec-backreference-matcher (step 2.l)
<Justin Ridgewell>
* Ie, the backreference controls the case sensitivity, not the match
bakkot: it'd be cool if the log search was in newest-first order; and also if there was a way to search across all of the rooms at once
<Luca Casonato>
Could someone with the relevant permissions on the tc39 GH org change the "evaluator attributes" in the "About" text on this repo (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-reflection) to "import reflection attributes"? We renamed the proposal, but forgot to update this text before moving the repo.