01:21 | <rbuckton> | But Canonicalize . Per the proposal for modifiers, the backreference would be checked using the canonicalization based on the current setting for ignoreCase, so this is correct. |
01:22 | <rbuckton> | In addition, /(...)(?-i:\1)/i.exec('abcABC') would also fail to match. |
01:23 | <rbuckton> | The proposal specifies this behavior here: https://tc39.es/proposal-regexp-modifiers/#sec-backreference-matcher (step 2.l) |
01:27 | <Justin Ridgewell> | * Ie, the backreference controls the case sensitivity, not the match |
20:56 | <ljharb> | bakkot: it'd be cool if the log search was in newest-first order; and also if there was a way to search across all of the rooms at once |
23:46 | <Luca Casonato> | Could someone with the relevant permissions on the tc39 GH org change the "evaluator attributes" in the "About" text on this repo (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-reflection) to "import reflection attributes"? We renamed the proposal, but forgot to update this text before moving the repo. |