oh ok great, not sure how i missed that too
altho its property descriptor isn't properly specified; it just says in a note that it's writable. i assume it's configurable and nonenumerable?
ljharb: yes; see the second-last paragraph of https://tc39.es/ecma262/multipage/ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects.html#sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects
right, but that's a non-normative note on top of the normative default. when the descriptor isn't default, it's supposed to be specified in its entirety, like https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-%throwtypeerror% etc
so in this case, taken.next() will throw because next returns a non-Object, and the wrapper throws on that; if i modify next to return an empty object
but also, the iterator helper wrapper, nor Iterator.prototype, seems to specify a throw method, so taken.throw doesn't exist
should there be a default throw method, or getter, that refers to the wrapped iterator's throw method when present?

when the descriptor isn't default, it's supposed to be specified in its entirety

right, but it is default, so it's not specified at all

"Every other data property described in clauses 19 through 28 and in Annex B.2 has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified."
so in this case, taken.next() will throw because next returns a non-Object, and the wrapper throws on that; if i modify next to return an empty object
ah yeah sorry, next should return { done: false, value: null } or something
so should return for that matter

simple test for this example:

let manualIter = {
  next(){ console.log('next'); return { done: false, value: null } },
  throw(){ console.log('not hit'); },
  return() { console.log('closing'); return {}; },

let taken = Iterator.from(manualIter).take(10);
taken.next(); // prints 'next'
try { taken.throw('err'); } catch (e) { console.log('caught', e); } // prints 'closing' and then 'caught err'
updated my snippet
but also, the iterator helper wrapper, nor Iterator.prototype, seems to specify a throw method, so taken.throw doesn't exist
hm, ok, I guess it's just .return then
which does not cause an exception, but does still cause an abrupt completion

simple test for this example:

let manualIter = {
  next(){ console.log('next'); return { done: false, value: null } },
  throw(){ console.log('not hit'); },
  return() { console.log('closing'); return {}; },

let taken = Iterator.from(manualIter).take(10);
taken.next(); // prints 'next'
taken.return(); // prints 'closing'
taken.next(); // returns { done: true }
that makes it a little harder for a test to clearly demonstrate what's going on, but updated my snippet anyway
writing tests without code to run them against is hard
any reason not to name the functions some/every/filter/find take to "predicate"? "filterer" seems unnecessarily specific, and "fn" seems unnecessarily vague