Attention speakers from the April TC39 meeting: if you haven't recorded your conclusions yet, it is now too late. I mean, if you update the google docs no one will see them. Message me if you have edits to make to the notes
☹️ almost no one provided either a conclusion or a summary, not even the proposals with stage advancement got a summarized for the notes.

missing conclusion and/or summary

  • All status updates (probably fine)
  • Joint-iteration (Michael Ficarra) [continued on thursday, still lacks conclusion or summary]
  • Promise.try for stage 2.7 (ljharb)
  • ESM source phase status update and layering change (guybedford)
  • Atomics.microwait for stage 2 (shu)
  • AsyncContext Stage 2 updates (Justin Ridgewell)
  • Deferred import evaluation (nicolo-ribaudo)
  • Treeshakeable/deferred re-exports status update (nicolo-ribaudo)
  • Iterator.range for stage 2.7 (Jack Works)
  • Reality and spec differ on property key resolution timing for o[p] = f() ( rkirsling)
  • Intl.MessageFormat status update (eemeli) [this one is confusing AF, maybe you can help ryzokuken?]
  • Discard Bindings for Stage 2 (rbuckton)
  • Extractors for Stage 2 (rbuckton) [continued, still lacks conclusion/summary]
  • eval/new Function changes for Trusted Types as Normative PR or Stage 3 ( nicolo-ribaudo)
  • Array.isTemplateObject next steps (littledan)
  • Module sync assert for stage 2 (Jack Works)
  • bringing back Error.isError, for stage 1 or 2 (ljharb)
  • Decimal for stage 2 (Jesse)
  • Shared Structs Discussion (shu)
  • Strict Enforcement of 'using’ (rbuckton)
  • Stop Coercing Things pt 4 (bakkot)
  • Signals for stage 1 (littledan and Jatin Ramanathan)
enjoy your weekends and then message me on Monday
did I misunderstand a process change?
result for mine is just "got consensus"
cool! great!
everyone who presented should always be glancing at the notes to make sure their thoughts are well-represented, and someone (a notetaker if the notetakers have the time and space to do it, the presenter if they do not) should just note that
maybe it's a bulleted list with a summary of stuff that came up. maybe it's "achieved consensus for stage 3"
i'm in archivist mode now
and if there's really no summary worth noting, just write that. "no summary" or whatever.
something to indicate someone glanced it before it goes on the record forever
also Ross consensus on what. can't deduce from your title + "got consenus". it doesn't have to be a novel, just like "got consensus to align with original declaration" or whatever (i have no idea, i missed that section and can't read all the notes right now)
oh yeah no I mean
I fully rewrote my words
but I haven't presented in a while and I thought the conclusion was just sorta in there
It’s definitely super helpful from a paperwork standpoint to have it super clear without skimming the whole transcript
<Jack Works>

missing conclusion and/or summary

  • All status updates (probably fine)
  • Joint-iteration (Michael Ficarra) [continued on thursday, still lacks conclusion or summary]
  • Promise.try for stage 2.7 (ljharb)
  • ESM source phase status update and layering change (guybedford)
  • Atomics.microwait for stage 2 (shu)
  • AsyncContext Stage 2 updates (Justin Ridgewell)
  • Deferred import evaluation (nicolo-ribaudo)
  • Treeshakeable/deferred re-exports status update (nicolo-ribaudo)
  • Iterator.range for stage 2.7 (Jack Works)
  • Reality and spec differ on property key resolution timing for o[p] = f() ( rkirsling)
  • Intl.MessageFormat status update (eemeli) [this one is confusing AF, maybe you can help ryzokuken?]
  • Discard Bindings for Stage 2 (rbuckton)
  • Extractors for Stage 2 (rbuckton) [continued, still lacks conclusion/summary]
  • eval/new Function changes for Trusted Types as Normative PR or Stage 3 ( nicolo-ribaudo)
  • Array.isTemplateObject next steps (littledan)
  • Module sync assert for stage 2 (Jack Works)
  • bringing back Error.isError, for stage 1 or 2 (ljharb)
  • Decimal for stage 2 (Jesse)
  • Shared Structs Discussion (shu)
  • Strict Enforcement of 'using’ (rbuckton)
  • Stop Coercing Things pt 4 (bakkot)
  • Signals for stage 1 (littledan and Jatin Ramanathan)
I added mine
My hero!!
<Ashley Claymore>
I feel like there is a challenge with how we utilise time boxing. Is the time box only for presentation+discussion -
or should it also account for the extra few minutes of conclusion capturing?
<Ashley Claymore>
As we've been trying to capture conclusions for over a year now, I think we have strong evidence that if we don't do it live then it rarely is added "offline"
Truth. Though genuinely I think “review the notes for your presentation, however briefly” has been a request since time immemorial
again, I thought it was "review what you said" not "add new content to the doc"
but I have added said new content
I've found it helpful to write the conclusion that I want ahead of time, and put it on the final slide. that makes a good starting point for adapting it to reflect the actual summary, as well as a natural reminder to do it
Aki: added those sections for my two items, day 1 and 3 i think
In case I buried the lede: the notes are formatted and ready to go to Ecma. I'm holding them back for a few more days on the hopes more people want to and are able to add conclusions and/or summaries. if you DO add them, let me know so I can go fetch them and update the formatted documents. i will not notice any changes on my own.