What do people think the web compatibility story is likely to be for making bound functions no longer have a configurable .prototype property? Possible? Incompatible?
i don't think i've ever seen code touching the prototype field of a bound function
<Mathieu Hofman>
What do people think the web compatibility story is likely to be for making bound functions no longer have a configurable .prototype property? Possible? Incompatible?
I actually have some code relying on that prototype property. Might be able to update.
<Mathieu Hofman>
Actually no we're good, we redefine the prototype property, and don't rely on one being present
I guess you're asking about making the property non-configurable, rather than removing it, right? this seems complicated to assess the web compatibility...
what's the motivation?
Is there anything further that people would like to discuss about Signals in TC39? I don't have any big updates yet, but could go further into explanations of certain details or any questions that people have.
What do people think the web compatibility story is likely to be for making bound functions no longer have a configurable .prototype property? Possible? Incompatible?
es5-shim code may conflict with changing that, as well as npmjs.com/function-bind, but i haven’t dug into anything to look
Are any other runtimes working on implementations of RegExp Modifiers? It's now shipping in Chrome and Edge, though both use the same implementation in V8. I saw that SpiderMonkey now has a tracking issue, but cannot find one yet for JSC.
i may be misremembering but i thought JSC was first to ship
SM imports irregexp, so under the covers it's mostly the same implementation as Chrome and Edge.
For SpiderMonkey I found https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1899813, which was only opened 3 hours ago
I haven't yet found a tracking bug for JSC.
http://npmjs.com/function-bind doesn't even seem to reference "defineProperty" so I think that would be fine. Ditto for https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim/blob/5930e4ac2c4fce44866a000b2ea9704c349f5cf5/es5-shim.js#L241 but maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing?
I don't think there's a JSC bug for RegExp Modifiers and I 95% sure we don't implement it
yeah it might just be that it’ll retroactively make their bind fakeage wrong? which would depend on the overall compatibility of it
i thought michael loved regexp
Don't we all love RegExp?