not immediately relevant to JS as a language, but the JS promise integration for wasm is an interesting project worth reading about I think https://v8.dev/blog/jspi
<Rob Palmer>

This looks like automatic conditional await of exported Wasm functions without user intervention. Meaning the JS caller does not need to be an async function, and calls the Wasm function as if it were sync.

If this is true, does it means that we have solved JS sync functions calling JS async function in a sync manner? Because you just need to insert a thin layer of Wasm between them.

You still need to await the Wasm function on the JS side. It's implicit only in Wasm.
See promise_update in https://github.com/WebAssembly/js-promise-integration/blob/main/proposals/js-promise-integration/Overview.md
<Rob Palmer>

The interest survey for TC39 Plenary in Tokyo in October is posted 🎉

Of 25 replies we have 19 people categorized as likely or certain - which is great progress. Please respond by Tuesday 9th July. It only takes ~45s to complete.