of course they are; import type vs import, "what gets stripped" vs "what doesn't", etc
i would be surprised if any user actually didn't understand that typescript wasn't what runs in the actual application

About Decimal and primitives, littledan's logic makes a lot of sense to me. If we were to have decimals as a primitive, they would need to be normalized (no quantum). However, the champions have presented rationale for why decimals should retain their quantum. Therefore, Decimals should be objects, not primitives.

This logic flows completely independently from any argument about whether or not engines may eventually change their position on decimals being a new primitive.

<Luca Casonato>
i would be surprised if any user actually didn't understand that typescript wasn't what runs in the actual application
You’d be surprised 😃
<Rob Palmer>

In the old days, folk learned JS before they learned TS, so had a strong mental model of the difference.

Nowadays many people learn TS first (or at least, it's not sequenced).

And we have runtimes with built-in support, further hiding the difference.

are most of those newcomers using those alternative runtimes tho?
<Anthony Bullard>
Definitely not. Most still use the browser - though through transpilers - or node(same).
that matches my intuition - anyone who's using "not browsers or unflagged node" is not a newcomer and knows the difference.
<Justin Ridgewell>
of course they are; import type vs import, "what gets stripped" vs "what doesn't", etc
I don’t understand your point. To users writing functions, deferred/immediate seems very similar to readonly in readonly number[] which tells the user they can’t don foo[0] = 1. derred () => void means they can’t call that function within their function body, only pass it off to another deferring function or store it for later.
: readonly number[] tho. it's part of the type.
<Justin Ridgewell>
Yes, and : deferred () => void is part of the type, too.
<Justin Ridgewell>
The type system should error if you call a defferred callback sync, the same way it will if you mutate a readonly array.

is the only way to observe number of ticks via user code then handlers?

if i have some spec doing the following:

let p1 = new %Promise%;
let p2 = new %Promise%;
PerformPromiseThen(p2, () => p1, () => {});
return p2;

where p1 and p2 are built-in promises, and p1 never escapes to user code, are the two ticks unobservable? is that equivalent to returning p1 directly?

shu: do you meant to have let p3 = PerformPromiseThen(p2, () => p1, () => {}); return p3? Or are you really intending to return the original p2?
i am intending to return original p2, that's a PerformPromiseThen as in our AO, not p2.then
like p2 does nothing except inherit p1's eventual state
wait i think that pseudocode is just borked
it's like PerformPromiseThen(p1, () => Resolve(p2))
in this example p1 never resolves so it is perforce not observable
perhaps you intend p1 to start out resolved?
yes, i think starting out resolved is equivalent to what's actually happening
in which case, the difference is observable iff someone is keeping track of ticks while this all is going on, I believe? which they could be
(async () => {
  for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    await 0;

// compare:
(async () => {
  let p1 = Promise.resolve();
  p1.then(() => { console.log('done 1'); });

// vs:
(async () => {
  let p1 = Promise.resolve();
  let resolveP2;
  let p2 = new Promise(res => { resolveP2 = res; });
  p2.then(() => { console.log('done 2'); });
ah, of course, thanks for the example
cursed global queue
Yes, and : deferred () => void is part of the type, too.
ok i think we're violently in agreement :-) i just don't want the keyword appearing where an ES keyword could, but after a colon is where i'd expect it