Aki: For extra fun, you could also point them at the extractors proposal, which'll get us runtime types instead: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-extractors/issues/20
tc39 out of context: "we may request voluntary sacrifices"
virtually everyone who talks about the proposal on social media or on the github repo seems to
Yeah engaging on the repo with almost anyone seems useless, since nobody actually understands what's being proposed. Everyone's just reacting against some idea they have about putting types in.
<Chris de Almeida>
it's probably been there forever but I just noticed that Chris de Almeida - 🌴 Returning 09-23 has a strongbad quote as a gh status and I am here for it
it has indeed been there forever and you might be the first person to ever notice/mention it, and/or understand the reference. 🏆️