2021-01-16 2021-01-17 2021-01-18 2021-01-19 2021-01-20 2021-01-21 [02:38:45.0129] Hello [02:44:37.0758] 👋 [03:22:48.0155] I guess this room would be a place that we would test out the permissions capabilities to ensure we can limit it to just delegates [05:22:14.0764] my pleasure meeting you all here [05:27:44.0414] 👋 2021-01-22 2021-01-23 2021-01-24 2021-01-25 2021-01-26 2021-01-27 2021-01-28 [13:47:31.0521] Are permissions set up on this channel at all? [13:47:51.0605] anyone can join afaik [13:48:41.0404] no +m equivalent though? [13:49:17.0883] not yet bterlson - I'll make you an admin so you can play around [13:49:34.0431] there is only moderator and admin. [13:49:45.0962] I suppose moderator could be a +m stand-in [13:50:34.0581] I see something about "custom level" [13:50:36.0943] there is a "custom level" which seems to just be an int [13:50:39.0389] jinx [13:50:54.0869] dang I'll buy you a coke later [13:51:01.0256] lol we can give folks a custom level to signify delegates maybe? [13:51:28.0628] admin+1 [13:52:03.0567] I don't understand [13:52:12.0248] level is a signed int [13:52:59.0823] I changed it but I don't know how to change it back :( [13:53:03.0276] I think I broke it already [13:53:23.0448] lol it's fixed [13:53:46.0839] ok I guess 0 is default then? [13:54:14.0119] ok I'm going to read a giant blog post on power levels now I guess [13:54:30.0918] lol I think mod is 50 and admin is 100 [13:54:39.0728] you can make a custom 10 or sth for delegates [13:57:28.0677] ok interesting [13:57:33.0552] I like this system much [13:58:01.0685] okay [13:58:04.0489] I can post [13:58:07.0724] can others? [13:58:19.0324] oh I haven't changed the perms required to talk yet [13:58:20.0903] let's try that [13:59:38.0076] ok @Ry [13:59:45.0928] ok ryzokuken try talking [13:59:54.0938] devsnek: try too? [14:00:00.0933] I can talk [14:00:07.0974] @dev [14:00:14.0584] devsnek: [14:00:23.0606] cannot I assume, since he has read and has not replied lol [14:00:27.0546] neat [14:00:42.0189] lol [14:00:53.0979] hello! [14:00:58.0148] fair point [14:02:31.0695] oh wow [14:02:38.0292] this is really annoying to do though [14:04:24.0577] its just like setting +m [14:04:29.0197] oh I can use command line too [14:04:30.0778] or +v or whatever [14:04:37.0565] yeah I was poking at the UI [14:04:49.0001] I am unsure who smorimoto and s-urabe are, can anyone confirm delegate status? [14:05:36.0091] I believe they are chinese delegates? [14:05:39.0006] but we can ask 😀 [14:05:56.0383] well now they can't reply lol [14:05:59.0361] smorimoto: s-urabe can you confirm that you are delegates? Thank you 😀 [14:06:06.0789] oop [14:06:12.0253] what should the process be there? [14:06:20.0002] on irc it was grovel to me or aki, I don't like that process [14:06:29.0874] I think any delegate can make anyone else a delegate [14:06:40.0769] which is an improvement [14:06:50.0518] but how to message that you need access? [14:06:55.0803] bterlson: we can set the default permission level of people who join the room to be 10, and then demote non-delegates who join? [14:07:13.0021] we can also set the room to be invite-only but world-readable and tightly control the invite link [14:07:23.0130] the list of non-delegates seems like a larger set than the list of delegates [14:07:42.0804] I imagine the permission list will cap out at some max length? [14:07:50.0317] well, if we used matrix by default, they would submit their usernames by github [14:08:17.0448] yeah we can rely on the onboarding process once everyone is onboarded I suppose [14:09:50.0998] what about an "ask in #tc39-general" process? [14:09:55.0316] * what about an "ask in #tc39-general" process? [14:10:50.0598] rendezvous with brian at meeting point charlie to confirm your identity [14:11:23.0668] encode your access request with IP-over-Avian-carrier and send it to Brian's house [14:11:41.0316] lol [14:12:13.0515] The tree birds liked to hang out on blew onto my house last week so avian service may be disrupted somewhat [14:12:26.0075] meeting point charlie more reliable [14:13:42.0487] how good is the video conferencing? [14:15:41.0587] > <@bterlson:matrix.org> how good is the video conferencing? you mean the jitsi widget? [14:16:01.0217] I dunno, I have a video button in the element.io client, I'm afraid to hit it [14:16:52.0912] oh huh look at that [14:17:00.0268] try it in #tc39-matrix-pilot-feedback:matrix.org ? [14:36:38.0927] how is the jitsi client privileged in this way? [14:54:57.0507] matrix.org has a set of widgets that are available to any room on the homeserver [15:36:58.0393] bterlson: matrix includes webrtc signaling, so you can hook up stuff like jitsi to it 2021-01-29 2021-01-30 2021-01-31