2021-04-01 2021-04-02 2021-04-03 2021-04-04 2021-04-05 2021-04-06 2021-04-07 2021-04-08 [10:17:09.0975] Heads up yall: https://twitter.com/ioctaptceb/status/1380207128883957762 2021-04-09 [09:52:03.0666] hello friends [09:52:18.0526] would anyone like to join me in premium Jitsi? https://8x8.vc/tc39/main [09:52:25.0780] hello! [09:52:29.0280] it has a TC39 logo and everything [09:52:44.0109] oooo, premium [09:52:44.0721] i've been trying for the past 10 minutes [09:52:45.0815] give me a sec [09:52:49.0344] oh [09:52:58.0031] my 8x8 meet account is broken [09:53:40.0465] yeah i've found i must start on the 8x8 homepage and click login first [09:54:50.0988] but for people without accounts, the raw link should work [09:55:29.0146] no i mean my account is actually broken. it's in a login loop on safari (even private window) and if i can ever get in to it i have to then delete it so i can recreate it because i created it ~~the wrong way~~ 2021-04-10 2021-04-11 2021-04-12 2021-04-13 2021-04-14 2021-04-15 2021-04-16 2021-04-17 2021-04-18 [09:07:39.0886] Where can I find documentation on the difference between `?` and `!` in ecmarkup spec text? I don't see it mentioned on https://tc39.es/ecmarkup/ [09:15:04.0242] It's in the notational conventions section of the spec itself [10:25:51.0936] Thanks! More specifically: https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-returnifabrupt-shorthands 2021-04-19 [07:01:51.0960] we are starting the meeting now [07:13:36.0393] s/relinquishing/licensing/ [10:28:01.0639] Is Matrix working? [10:28:33.0326] maybe it's back? [10:28:36.0392] yes! [10:28:44.0461] it works for me [10:28:59.0139] is Hax present to speak? [10:30:58.0807] oh, this channel works [10:30:59.0267] chairs channel is broken :( [10:32:06.0119] just here [10:32:07.0181] still can't send in chairs channel [10:32:33.0290] you mean the matrix bridge? [10:32:44.0282] or is it a matrix room that's broken? [10:33:05.0821] i sent those two messages from my like five+ minutes ago [10:47:38.0590] could someone give rbuckton and danielrosenwasser level 10 access so they can post here? [11:35:29.0759] > <@usharma:igalia.com> could someone give rbuckton and danielrosenwasser level 10 access so they can post here? I'm pretty sure anyone can grant anyone their own power level? [11:35:59.0217] I have access now [11:39:33.0083] > <@mpcsh_:matrix.org> I'm pretty sure anyone can grant anyone their own power level? nope, you need `admin` for that 2021-04-20 [09:13:22.0267] "Does anyone else like reviewing spec text?" [10:08:55.0616] there's no turning back 😛 2021-04-21 [11:15:28.0834] Wasn't able to see the end of the meeting, are we coming back tomorrow, or did everything get resolved? [11:15:45.0618] hasn't been resoled yet [11:15:54.0493] will do that after this agenda item 2021-04-22 [11:09:28.0945] interesting news [11:09:29.0837] https://element.io/blog/ems-launches-bridging-for-microsoft-teams/ [11:10:00.0230] hm [11:11:14.0648] there's already bridges to Discord, Slack, Telegram, IRC etc [11:12:02.0227] can one use an individual plan for free with this? :D [11:12:12.0417] * can one use an individual plan for free with this? :D [11:12:16.0797] that said, I'm not quite sure of EMS, some of the servers they host seem really poorly managed... [11:12:27.0053] * that said, I'm not quite sure of EMS, some of the servers they host seem really poorly managed... [11:13:50.0798] > <@danielrosenwasser:matrix.org> can one use an individual plan for free with this? :D which individual plan specifically? [11:16:45.0170] I don't know, I don't know anything about this tech, just give me a responsive chat client. [11:16:56.0348] * I don't know, I don't know anything about this tech, just give me a responsive chat client. [11:17:30.0232] well, that's understandable. as long as we use a decently managed homeserver, things should be fine. [11:17:54.0921] it's not perfect, for instance, but the Igalia homeserver is pretty snappy! 2021-04-23 2021-04-24 2021-04-25 2021-04-26 2021-04-27 2021-04-28 2021-04-29 2021-04-30