2021-06-01 [18:22:06.0230] made that matrix log bot I promised: https://bakkot.github.io/matrix-logs/ [18:23:23.0046] I'm probably only going to have it update once an hour or something [22:50:03.0606] > <@bakkot:matrix.org> made that matrix log bot I promised: https://bakkot.github.io/matrix-logs/ super awesome! thanks! [08:13:38.0096] bakkot: Huh, can you make it scrape the logs from back before it started and present those as well? [08:23:28.0058] littledan: it does that [09:03:10.0153] bakkot: oh, is there a way to get the whole log, not just the log for a particular day? [09:24:28.0180] littledan: not as yet. the whole log can get very long, so you'd want to paginate, which you can do from https://view.matrix.org/room/!WgJwmjBNZEXhJnXHXw:matrix.org/ [09:24:41.0178] you can also clone the repo which hosts them I guess: https://github.com/bakkot/matrix-logs [09:31:53.0440] well, yeah, Waldemar's specific request was to have the complete log [09:31:56.0733] we already had the paginated log [09:32:49.0798] we never had that for IRC, as far as I recall; this log works almost exactly like IRC log bots do [09:32:57.0465] but sure, I can also generate a text file with everything in it [09:33:52.0265] I assumed he just wanted the ability to view old logs without clicking "load more" an indeterminate and increasing number of times [09:33:56.0798] that's what I wanted, at any rate [09:42:11.0729] I don't quite understand the motivation for the request; it's possible I was misunderstanding. Probably best to follow up with him. [09:42:31.0116] I think the "show more" links already fulfilled the requirement that the logs be publicly accessible [09:43:49.0733] littledan: what i thought waldemar was asking for is a downloadable text file he can grep through locally [09:47:30.0050] shu: What I don't understand is why this is a requirement when, as bakkot said, this did not quite exist for IRC [09:47:59.0508] it seems like an achievable thing to provide, though [09:48:00.0782] oh that i don't know either [09:48:08.0266] maybe he was relying on irccloud's log export or something [09:48:17.0520] Yeah, it'll be straightforward, I might as well [09:48:37.0800] hm apparently setting an svg as a profile picture doesn't work [11:47:02.0351] shu: I could see your picture before and I can still see it... [11:47:25.0284] oh wait, I saw it before in another room, nvm [12:01:46.0696] i've changed it to a png [12:01:53.0345] (of the same picture) 2021-06-02 [20:12:45.0932] littledan: plaintext logs are now available, binned by month; hopefully that makes everyone happy [20:13:00.0940] if not I will iterate after people get a chance to voice objections next meeting [07:25:28.0664] πŸ‘‹ gsathya 2021-06-03 2021-06-04 [09:49:32.0273] for the inclusion group I'm trying to document on what the chairs' responsibilities are as matrix channel admins; [09:49:36.0361] * for the inclusion group I'm trying to document what the chairs' responsibilities are as matrix channel admins; [09:50:29.0226] e.g. giving delegates the appropriate permissions in this channel [09:50:35.0551] does it go to the chairs when someone clicks "Report content" on a message? [09:51:13.0740] do the chairs moderate the channels and mute/ban spammers and trolls? [09:51:58.0099] Aki: bterlson: Rob Palmer: let me know if you can think of other matrix admin responsibilities that the chairs should have [09:52:47.0966] (and we have some non-chair admins as well; is this temporary or is it good for the chairs to delegate admin-ship to volunteers?) [09:52:58.0586] i would hope CoC folk also have ability to moderate 2021-06-05 2021-06-06 2021-06-07 2021-06-08 [22:06:56.0373] devsnek: did you ever land the tailcall branch in engine262? [13:28:27.0284] I know that there was mention of test262.report in the last tc39 but don't remember the resolution, looks like it is still down, expected? [14:25:53.0790] rickbutton: this was just discussed in #tc39-general:matrix.org [14:26:00.0299] * rickbutton: this was just discussed in #tc39-general:matrix.org, see https://github.com/bocoup/test262-report-issue-tracker/issues/27 [14:27:45.0933] sidebar: how does completion for rooms work in element? I can start typing `#tc3` and get a popup, which I can navigate with arrows or tab and exit with `esc`, but I can't figure out how to confirm - enter selects and also sends the message, which is not what I want [16:45:58.0238] bakkot: hit space 2021-06-09 [19:37:32.0605] tabatkins: aha, thank you [21:52:48.0001] bakkot: if you've selected using tab or arrows, you can just move on and type what you need. No need to confirm, the selection would disappear as soon as you type (which applies if you press space too). 2021-06-10 [09:05:14.0754] shu: The delegates meeting is happening right now, right? [09:08:00.0419] Or wait, now I'm confused; the email said "Finalizing the time to June 10, 9:00 - 10:00 AM PDT." but the gh issue says "June 17" [09:12:06.0367] Ah, found the issue. @shu fyi for next time, don't *just* edit comments with important new information, because edits aren't reflected into email. Edit *and* post a new comment, plz [10:03:48.0563] > <@tabatkins:matrix.org> Ah, found the issue. @shu fyi for next time, don't *just* edit comments with important new information, because edits aren't reflected into email. Edit *and* post a new comment, plz AFAICT, unless the issue title is updated, the email title won't change. So edit the issue title will help in the condition too. [10:10:15.0167] We had a github issue when TC39 renamed strawman to strawperson? [10:10:30.0671] * We had a github issue when TC39 renamed strawman to strawperson? [Trying to find it] [10:25:52.0268] legendecas: Yes, tho changing the email title is a bit fraught anyway - it might not be very obvious, depending on your client, or it might break the message threading so now you have to realize there's a new email thread continuing the convo. [12:01:47.0156] tabatkins: Hey, are you going to organize further work on the pipeline operator? [12:02:59.0365] I am super interested in ^^ [12:04:52.0477] yeah, I sent tabatkins a list a couple months ago of people who expressed interest. If he's not available to organize, then I could send it to someone else to get the group together. [12:05:12.0360] * yeah, I sent tabatkins a list a couple months ago of people who expressed interest. If they're not available to organize, then I could send it to someone else to get the group together. 2021-06-11 [04:21:01.0053] >Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight? >Dad: *nudging me* that should've been you >Me: Not now Dad >Dad: Not asking for a JS dev to help, are they? >Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now >Dad: Go and see if Top-Level Await helps If a situation like this has happened to you, right now there is now a chance to redeem yourself. We have an emergency and only a JS dev can help. [TCQ](https://github.com/bterlson/tcq) has been down for a while - possibly due to Azure service interactions. Daniel nearly got it working. Yulia has experience and may get some time to look at it next week. We'd really appreciate some assistance to get it back up in time for July plenary. [04:25:09.0958] * > Flight attendant: Is there a doctor on this flight? > Dad: _nudging me_ that should've been you > Me: Not now Dad > Dad: Not asking for a JS dev to help, are they? > Me: Dad, there's a medical emergency happening right now > Dad: Go and see if Top-Level Await helps If a situation like this has happened to you, right now there is a chance to redeem yourself. We have an emergency and only a JS dev can help. [TCQ](https://github.com/bterlson/tcq) has been down for a while - possibly due to Azure service interactions. Daniel nearly got it working. Yulia has experience and may get some time to look at it next week. We'd really appreciate some assistance to get it back up in time for July plenary. [08:44:38.0436] tabatkins: thanks for the tip, will do [10:51:32.0274] An approval on the May notes would be appreciated: https://github.com/tc39/notes/pull/137 [10:58:14.0129] done 2021-06-12 2021-06-13 2021-06-14 2021-06-15 2021-06-16 [15:01:04.0980] Jamie Kyle: my b [15:01:09.0817] Thanks! [15:30:01.0596] i like that Matrix provides roles but it's an incomplete feature 2021-06-17 [02:05:02.0730] (the above was me trying to use Element mobile to change power levels, which I shall not do again) [02:06:01.0790] As an update on TCQ, Brian has fixed it. So all is well. [14:49:13.0226] heads up: I'll be on PTO until the end of next week. I should not see any messages here but text/twitter DM/email would work if anyone wants to reach out. 2021-06-18 2021-06-19 [22:35:02.0848] bakkot: cant speak in #tc39-editors:matrix.org but making progress on the actions migration; https://ci.tc39.es/preview/ljharb/ecma262/pull/13 renders - only the PR status is left, then we’re good. [09:16:36.0574] ljharb: nice! 2021-06-20 2021-06-21 2021-06-22 [12:30:06.0511] dang, pattern matching champion group is like half of committee [12:34:20.0488] And therefore by the time it is brought to plenary, half the committee will already be happy and it will fly through making most efficient use of our time. 2021-06-23 2021-06-24 [14:18:14.0777] Congrats to ljharb on receiving an Ecma Recognition Award for his contributions as an Editor of ECMA-262 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ (it was approved in the GA meeting this week) 2021-06-25 [00:44:37.0844] Since we've published our move to matrix in many places and everything seems under control, I assume things are stable enough for us to fix permissions before the next plenary? [00:46:16.0986] TL;DR should I step down from admin in the rooms that I still have that role? [12:17:08.0113] bakkot: the spec is now migrated off of travis. i'm still not seeing a status check posted on the rebased https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2290, but https://ci.tc39.es/preview/tc39/ecma262/pull/2290 loads so it's solely an issue with setting the status, which i'm looking into today. 2021-06-26 [18:09:08.0671] ljharb: ack, thanks for looking into it [18:09:27.0856] I see 2290 is failing with... the git clone failed with a 500? that seems like a github problem 2021-06-27 2021-06-28 [22:49:26.0615] i think the 500 is a flukey thing, but ignore it for now while i work out the deploy problem 2021-06-29 [19:27:18.0350] alrighty! begin deploy preview is working, we should be good! it currently has my github avatar, but within the next 10-15 it should start being Begin.com's again [19:39:15.0589] * alrighty! begin deploy preview is working, we should be good! feel free to rebase open PRs. 2021-06-30 [08:50:44.0577] Mikhail Barash: welcome! [10:10:48.0599] Is the agenda deadline and upcoming meeting on the TC39 calendar? [10:11:12.0428] the meeting is, at least [10:12:21.0171] oh, I see it now