
Has a Function.prototype.isConstructor, Function.isConstructor, or Reflect.isConstructor method been explored by TC39 before?

The only references on the web I can find of any discussion is https://esdiscuss.org/topic/add-reflect-isconstructor-and-reflect-iscallable and https://github.com/tc39/agendas/blob/master/2015/01.md. Apparently, Jason Orendorff presented about it, but there’s nothing in https://github.com/tc39/notes/tree/master/meetings/2015-01 about that.

The only reason why I ask about it is because I’m writing a polyfill for Array.fromAsync right now and finding it not possible to match the spec. It needs to do what Array.from does and start with a new C only if C is a constructor and otherwise start with Array(0).
Current polyfills for Array.from generally seem to cheat and check only if C is a function.
jschoi: you can use a proxy to mimic IsConstructor
but i think the reason this doesn't get brought up more is because IsConstructor is not a great check in practice. normal functions and many builtins will be true even though they're not intended to be used as constructors
Yeah, the polyfill can match the spec by using https://esdiscuss.org/topic/add-reflect-isconstructor-and-reflect-iscallable#content-2
And yeah, given that it's only really useful for polyfills, adding it to the language seems subpar.

Hm, I wonder if that proxy in that post even needs a construct handler.

function isConstructor (obj) {
  var prox = new Proxy(obj, {});
  try {
    new prox;
    return true;
  } catch (err) {
    return false;

…should work too, right?

<Richard Gibson>
no, because a constructor might have runtime constraints such as required arguments
no, because a constructor might have runtime constraints such as required arguments
Ah, so new prox there might throw not necessarily because it’s not a constructor.
I see.
<Richard Gibson>
exactly. That version would false-negative on input like class { constructor(length){ if(typeof length !== "number") throw new TypeError("length must be a Number"); } }
<Ashley Claymore>
Ah, so new prox there might throw not necessarily because it’s not a constructor.
the constructor could also have side-effects