Hmm. I though about it a bit and making a transformer for decorated hoisted functions sounds a bit tricky. The transformer might need to put all the decorating code inside a hoisted function for it to work the same, and then might have to capture arguments and this for use in the decorated function body.
my suggestion is to turn @foo function bar() {} into var bar = foo(function bar() {}, { kind: 'function', name: 'bar' });
annex b.3.3 aside
Many spec algorithms seem to call a Completion(...) abstract operation (for example in https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-iteratorclose), but I cannot find where it is defined. Is it a type cast to convert a record into a completion record?
Many spec algorithms seem to call a Completion(...) abstract operation (for example in https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-iteratorclose), but I cannot find where it is defined. Is it a type cast to convert a record into a completion record?
Oh it's defined at https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-implicit-completion-values - It looks like there is an auto-linking issue that links usages of the Completion AO to the Completion record definition rather than to the AO definition
<Michael Ficarra>
nicolo-ribaudo: linking should be fixed in this PR: https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/pull/2547/files#diff-181371b08d71216599b0acccbaabd03c306da6de142ea6275c2135810999805aR832
ooh, that sounds like a great PR
<Michael Ficarra>
annevk: unfortunately it's a TON of work, so it'll be at least another few weeks before it's done
I can only imagine
Might have some downstream implications too, but hopefully not too many
probably a lot of stray !s in HTML to remove, mainly
specifically, I think other specs don't tend to make use of the implicitness of completion records much (or at all?), so the relevant change is just that algorithms which were guaranteed to succeed no longer return completion records and hence no longer need to be unwrapped with !
bakkot: we do create a Completion record somewhere
Removing ! sounds amazing, has caused quite a bit of confusion over the years
Feels like every couple months there's someone asking why it's negating something
there will still be some !s, for operations which normally can throw but which don't in this particular instance
but I think a majority of them will be removed
I see, we do have some of those as well