I've been dogfooding my TypeScript support for pipeline operator at https://github.com/Pokute/AoC2021/blob/main/4.ts . It's starting to feel crucial for me. Lacking tacit function application (|>>) would be an inconvenience, but the other way around, I would have so many IIAFEs.

A proposal: https://gist.github.com/bakkot/3d0f81233fc00b508ae5f247b1458823

tl;dr: adding syntax for defining a function which can be either sync or async, depending on how it's called:

async? function f(possiblyAsyncCallback) {
  let x = await? possiblyAsyncCallback();
  return something(x);

console.log(f.sync(syncCallback)) // a regular value

console.log(f.async(asyncCallback)) // a Promise
looking for any feedback on whether this seems at all reasonable before I put together something to present to committee
<Justin Ridgewell>

A proposal: https://gist.github.com/bakkot/3d0f81233fc00b508ae5f247b1458823

tl;dr: adding syntax for defining a function which can be either sync or async, depending on how it's called:

async? function f(possiblyAsyncCallback) {
  let x = await? possiblyAsyncCallback();
  return something(x);

console.log(f.sync(syncCallback)) // a regular value

console.log(f.async(asyncCallback)) // a Promise
Have you seen gensync before?
I had not!
but that is basically exactly the same thing, neat
Let me know if you have suggestions for improvements, I think babel is the only thing really using it right now.
main thing which looks to be missing to me is a way for the function to switch on whether it was called as sync or async
so that it can e.g. call the appropriate sync or async version of some other API
(my gist has a function.async meta-property for this; it would be a bit harder to do in a library)
Got it, should be pretty easy for you to make a helper to do that since you can make a function where the async version returns true and the sync version returns false and then do if (yield* isAsync()) {
Got it, should be pretty easy for you to make a helper to do that since you can make a function where the async version returns true and the sync version returns false and then do if (yield* isAsync()) {
Yup, Babel already has it: https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/2a3b0b96012b86c558aec344dad34a60c51a71c9/packages/babel-core/src/gensync-utils/async.ts#L23
Hah I though it did but I was on mobile and couldn't be bothered to look
Certainly something we could move into gensync too
Btw, something that would greatly benefit from moving this to the language (rather than as a library) are stack traces and step-by-step debugging; gensync makes it really hard (this is not a critique, just a limitation I don't think can be solved in a library).
I think the main annoying thing with the library version is that you can't call regular async functions without wrapping them first (unless I'm missing something)
not a huge hinderance but would be nicer not to need to worry about it
anyway, this is really cool; I will play with it some
Well, it's await? (function.async ? asyncFn() : syncFn()) vs yield* gensync({ sync: syncFn, async: asyngFn })() (you need the check in both versions)
But yes, you always need to wrap
with the syntax you need to wrap if you're calling a function you figured out yourself, but not if you're calling a function the user provided
i.e. you can just do await? callback() and if the user called you as f.async and passed an async callback, or if the user called you as f.sync and passed a sync callback, it will work the same
and callback doesn't need to be wrapped
Oh ok yes, we had to introduce a maybeAsync gensync helper in Babel for that
(which also throws if callback() returns a promise when called in a sync context)
yeah there's definitely some possibility of shooting yourself in the foot here, if you mess up what's async and what's sync
this would be fun for typescript to figure out :P