hi everybody! I hope this is the right place, but I have a small request for help
I run the yearly State of JavaScript surveys (latest edition: https://2020.stateofjs.com/)
I am currently working on the questions for the next edition, and I would love to involve TC39 more. For example, maybe there are questions the survey could ask that would help provide useful data for TC39 members?
there's an open GitHub thread here: https://github.com/StateOfJS/Monorepo/issues/56
or you can just DM me with your feedback/questions
<Ashley Claymore>
hi everybody! I hope this is the right place, but I have a small request for help
Welcome! πŸ‘‹πŸ»
Hi sachag, this is awesome!
I think the best people for this would be the folks involved in the monthly research calls we have. I see the next one is on the 27th.
yulia: do you think it'd be a good idea to include this on the agenda for the next one?
sachag ryzokuken yes this sounds like a good idea -- it may also be great to have you stop by in our research call
I think the best people for this would be the folks involved in the monthly research calls we have. I see the next one is on the 27th.
that'd be great! the survey will most likely go out before then (it's supposed to be the 2021 survey so it's already late as it is…) but the feedback can be useful for the next edition
I'd also be happy to give you access to early results if that's helpful
sachag: likely you already did all the work for this years survey, but we can get together and have a special call also with felienne
and prepare for next year regarding what questions would be interesting