this is I think a good overview of security and kinds of security bugs in modern browsers, if anyone feels like getting in to that: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.15561.pdf
I just opened this year's survey to respondents: https://stateofjs.com/
I'm not going to change it too much now that it's open to avoid messing up the data, but if you see any big mistake do let me know
and hopefully we can chat about it soon!
I'm not going to change it too much now that it's open to avoid messing up the data, but if you see any big mistake do let me know
The survey looks nice! FYI, Intl is technically a part of the JavaScript language, not a web browser API.
oh, do you think I should move it to the Language section then?
maybe "web browser" is somewhat incorrect. i'm of the opinion it's not really valuable to be super pedantic about what's technically part of JS due to the standards body org chart
programmers probably mostly have the mental model of "language" meaning "core syntax and builtins" vs "supplemental APIs". some supplemental APIs are here in tc39, some are in w3c and whatwg