jschoi: The forbidden extension re colon was added in ES6.
(The whole Forbidden Extensions clause was added in ES6.)
the “let’s not break typescript” clauses?
FYI, I wrote drafts of “shallow copy” and “deep copy” glossary entries for MDN. PR is at https://github.com/mdn/content/pull/12474. Review would be very much appreciated.

The rendered draft pages are here:


Re the Shallow_copy draft:

  • You're using "member" where the proper term is "property". (Unless you mean something different?)
  • For "All standard built-in object-copy operations", maybe list them, or at least name a few.
  • I think you'd benefit from having a shorter way to say "the object from which the shallow copy was made". E.g., you could set up the terms "the original" and "the copy". Or even just call them (say) "X" and "Y".