@devsnek (re question in Delegates room): Netscape's proposal for ES4 doesn't mention decorators: https://www-archive.mozilla.org/js/language/old-es4
<Daniel Ehrenberg>
OK, I came in to talk over one thing (https://github.com/tc39/proposal-destructuring-private/issues/9) in DMs, now going back to my cave in an undisclosed location. Enjoy the meeting everyone!
I appear to have been removed from the "Delegates" team in GitHub this morning - was that intentional, or part of some incidental back-end cleanup of stuff?
I appear to have been removed from the "Delegates" team in GitHub this morning - was that intentional, or part of some incidental back-end cleanup of stuff?
They’re cleaning up stuff; they mentioned it in the Delegates channel but it got lost in the flood.
ok, cool
TabAtkins: yep, you're on the google team; if you see any access issues please ping me
<Jack Works>

hello, is it possible to move agenda item

60m New integrity level, a try to unify limited array buffer and read only collection proposal (Jack Works and Mark Miller)

to 10:00 ~ 12:00 so I can sleep earlier tomorrow? 👀

<Jack Works>
I'll ask if Mark Miller have time at 10:00~12:00