I see the “Change Array by copy“ proposal https://tc39.es/proposal-change-array-by-copy/ seems to have been implemented (and shipped?) in Firefox — https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1729563. Has it been implemented in any other browser engines yet?
<Ashley Claymore>
I think it is still behind a compile time flag in Firefox. It has started to ship in Safari tech preview. But the spec has changed (and could change again) since it was implemented there
OK, thanks — then I’m going to suggest we close https://github.com/mdn/content/pull/9940 for now — rather than keeping it open indefinitely — and revisit it if/when things level out later. That PR’s been hanging open for more than 7 months now, and in general I don’t think it’s so great to keep PRs open that long.

I'm reading the HostResolveImportedModule description (https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-hostresolveimportedmodule), and I'm confused about what happens when referencingScriptOrModule is null.

If I have two iframes containing <button type="button" onclick="import('./foo.mjs')">Click me</button>, does import('./foo.mjs') have to return the same module instantiation both times (third bullet point) and thus leak an iframe's Realm to the other?

the referencing script or module is more about fetch options or the base URL/referrer; it doesn't control which realm things happen in
But if it's the same referencing script/module both times (and in this case it's both times null), they cannot be executed in two different realms (because it can only be executed once)
How so? Are you referencing the HTML spec in your analysis, or is this based on JS more generally?
I'm just reading the requirements and note of https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-hostresolveimportedmodule in ecma262
it seems totally possible that we need to add more requirements or change the existing one. I have trouble making sense of the module import hooks without referencing HTML concretely, tbh
I'll check the HTML spec to see what it does
just curious, are you looking into this in relation to the current ShadowRealm controversy about using a null referrer?
Nope, I was reading it to understand how to properly describe module blocks caching
interesting, hopefully the referrer doesn't matter much in that case!
we might have an HTML PR for that feature, or maybe we didn't get around to it, I don't remember
Agree! But I wanted to fully understand how caching is speified
Ok, I believe that HTML violates the requirements for that host hook, but HTML does the only sensible thing and we should relax the requirement in 262. I'll open an issue with a proper description of what I think we currently do and what we should do.
(or maybe I'm just wrong, and I'll relize it when writing it down 😂)
littledan FYI, the issue is https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/2803