Yo, I think these steps in HTML mean that if you import the same CSS url multiple times, you'll get distinct CSSStyleSheet objects, right? No deduping occurs? https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#creating-a-css-module-script
Just unsure if any deduping magic happens in the CreateDefaultExportSyntheticModule algo (https://tc39.es/proposal-json-modules/#sec-create-default-export-synthetic-module) that gets invoked at the end. It doesn't look like it does but there's a lot of spec-ese to wade thru.
Isn't it stored in the module map?
Unless the ES algo does that, no. And if it does, the HTML algo as specified does duplicate (observable?) work before consulting the module map and returning an old sheet anyway.
.....wait i'm reading the wrong algo because the right one is near the bottom of the page
yeah it does consult the module map