Where is the discussion for Stop Coercing Things? I'm pretty sure most web platform APIs do coerce undefined.
Though perhaps this is mainly about required vs optional arguments in which case I could see where the comparison comes in, but that's a lot narrower.
Also, this should come with some kind of Web IDL story I think.
annevk: No discussion for it yet, since it hasn't been presented
and yes it's intended to be mostly about required vs optional, though also I thought web platform guidance was that passing undefined explicitly should be treated exactly like not passing an argument?
certainly that's how almost all ES functions work
or to put it a different way: ES already has the principle that passing an explicit undefined should be treated like leaving out an argument, in general, and if we additionally adopt the web-platform behavior of throwing when missing a required argument, that gets us all the way to "stop coercing undefined"
updated the slides to make the claim about the web platform more correct
bakkot: undefined will be coerced when the argument is required, which is also the case for setters for instances
bakkot: so what you're asserting above is not how required arguments behave when undefined is passed to them
did not realize web platform made a distinction between explicit undefined and missing argument
seems bad, hopefully we can change that too going forward
bakkot: it might be an argument you cannot omit, such as that of a setter or when there's multiple required arguments
annevk: what I mean is, I would generally expect passing an explicit undefined to be treated exactly like omitting the argument; as such if the behavior when omitting an argument which you cannot omit is to throw, that's the behavior I'd expect when passing an explicit undefined
this is how almost everything in the language itself works, though in the other direction (even omitting nominally "required" arguments doesn't usually throw)
what I am hoping is that in new APIs in JS and the web platform we can take the intersection of the two behaviors: treat undefined exactly like missing argument, as JS does, and throw when missing a required argument, as the web platform does; as a consequence we would also also throw when passing an explicit undefined