Random question. In Chrome devtools "Pause on uncaught exceptions" there's a prediction system involved right? https://jsfiddle.net/qn978wxu/3/ I noticed Firefox correctly handles the second case with Promise.race and knows the promise is caught. Is this a performance thing? I can't seem to find much about it. Simply passing reject into the setTimeout doesn't cause Chrome devtools to break. littledan Did you ever work on something like this?
this doesn't sound like a TC39 question but a Chrome devtools product question. if you notices a difference with other DT where you think Chrome should improve, mind filing an issue?
sirisian: I did work on that but I think that system has been rewritten since then, and also, I was focusing on the syntax-driven parts and sort of assumed that functions like Promise.race were too hard to handle correctly. The system is inherently based on heuristics and a bit incomplete, and will always be possible to improve, so yes, I encourage you to file an issue.
Thank you