yeah I guess I'm probably over-indexing on the operator syntax of void in my skepticism of void. "lost" is a good characterization. But still, _ has recognition from other languages.
<Jan Olaf Martin>
yeah I guess I'm probably over-indexing on the operator syntax of void in my skepticism of void. "lost" is a good characterization. But still, _ has recognition from other languages.
I'm not sure if the recognition from other languages outweighs the established use(s) of _ in the JS ecosystem. I assume most JS devs would associate it with "bag of utility functions", not necessarily with "unused".
Yeah, that's fair. At least the _ is locally unambiguous/compatible
really, void for this purpose is even somehow more apt than void for C, isn't it
<Kris Kowal>
Use of _ I’ve encountered is not as a black hole (void) but as a readable reference to the last thing bound.
oh yeah I guess overloading both of those in the same thing is weird
I feel like _ is off the table since it's already a valid identifier
the idea is to stay with its current semantics wherever valid, and just introduce a TDZ or syntax error (for usage, not definition) when bound in an invalid duplicate way (eg strict mode parameters)
i don’t think moving towards scala’s “21 different meanings for _” would be an improvement
OK I'm convinced. So who's bringing the void proposal to committee?
We can do it separately from pattern matching, right? it'd just compose well

So who's bringing the void proposal to committee

per https://github.com/tc39/agendas/blob/main/2024/02.md, rbuckton

I also like the "ignore a parameter to a callback" use case
I would prefer _, but picked void due to concern's like ljharb's. At the very least, void in this sense has a similar semantic meaning. A void expression discards a result, while a void binding discards the binding.
I would prefer _, but picked void due to concern's like ljharb's. At the very least, void in this sense has a similar semantic meaning. A void expression discards a result, while a void binding discards the binding.
yeah, the complexity is that extractors/pattern matching may introduce expressions in the LHS
Callback parameters, excluding things from ..., explicit Elision (i.e., const [a, void] = iter vs const [a, , ] = iter due to trailing ,), all seem good to me :)
I plan to handle void vs void expression in things like destructuring via a cover grammar.
yeah void instead of holes in array destructuring is a definite improvement also
So this is designed to dovetail with pattern matching and extractors, which are specifically called out in the explainer.
I'm debating on void for explicit elision in array literals as well, since [0, ,] and [a, void 0] are subtly different.
var ar1 = [0, , ];
var ar2 = [0, void 0];
ar1.length; // 2;
ar2.length; // 2;
ar1[1]; // undefined
ar2[1]; // undefined
1 in ar1; // false <---
1 in ar2; // true
I suspect you can just update the existing cover grammar; it already has to deal with stuff like [ { m(){} } ] being legal only in expression position and [{ a = 0 }] only being legal in binding/assignment target position
I suspect you can just update the existing cover grammar; it already has to deal with stuff like [ { m(){} } ] being legal only in expression position and [{ a = 0 }] only being legal in binding/assignment target position
I have a rough outline of that in the explainer under the Grammar heading.
ah, nice
I'm debating on void for explicit elision in array literals as well, since [0, ,] and [a, void 0] are subtly different.
my answer to this would be no: no one should be writing array holes on purpose, so we shouldn't provide new syntax to help them
I'm not dead set against it, I just don't want it
I agree that no one should write them on purpose, but people can and do. I would only consider supporting it if full parity for explicit Elision is necessary for advancement. i.e., if to have [a, void, b] = [1, , 3] I must also have [1, void, 3], then I believe the void in [1, void, 3] must be equivalent to [1, , 3], else it is not truly an in-place replacement for Elision.
But I'm fine with not having it if there isn't a hard requirement for it from other delegates.
yes, I agree that we shouldn't make void in certain expression context another way to say void 0.
that seems complicated and unmotivated
if I have understood correctly the idea would be an elision (i.e. a hole), not undefined; those are different
yes, so I agree with Ron that it shouldn't do undefined. This seems to be a sort of strawperson that no one is arguing for.
but having another way to type holes also seems not so motivated