Is it intended that OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor is never called with a prototype from another specification? I'm looking back at https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues/1549 in the context of whether the same issue is relevant to WebIDL DOMExceptions as well https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#js-DOMException-specialness. That is, should I be allowed to call OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor with another specification's name of an intrinsic object (violating the the assertion in step 1)
akaster: you should not call things in a way which violates assertions, as a rule
I guess it is not totally clear whether built-in objects from other specs count as "intrinsics" so it's not clear whether it would even make sense to do so, given the "realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto" step
that issue asks if it is the intent of 262 for "Error"s to be a closed set, and I can at least answer that one: it is not
OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor wasn't really designed for use in other specs but you can certainly do the things it does yourself