When writing a lexer for ECMAScript how do you decide when to change between the goal symbols? https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-ecmascript-language-lexical-grammar I naively converted them to regex to toy with an idea. https://gist.github.com/sirisian/5c3402ca51a2440f0bc4e5d297269195 (Ignore any mistakes, I plan to redo it). Like I get that you'd start with InputElementHashbangOrRegExp https://regex101.com/r/YYgu1i/1 So the lexer would take tokens until it ran into a TemplateMiddle or TemplateTail. So in that example it takes the "a" then can't consume the "}". Where does one get the context, whether a RegularExpressionLiteral or TemplateMiddle/Tail is permitted? Is this based on the previous tokens? Do you have to like parse as you run the lexer so you'd potentially parse TemplateSpans -> TemplateMiddleList -> TemplateMiddle and this that would mean that's permitted. (And then you'd do the same to see if RegularExpressionLiteral is permitted)?
yes, you have to parse as you run the lexer
or at least, this is how everyone does it afaik

that is what this sentence is getting at:

There are several situations where the identification of lexical input elements is sensitive to the syntactic grammar context that is consuming the input elements.

i.e., you can't know how to tokenize (the lexical grammar) without knowing the context from the higher-level parse (the syntactic grammar)
<Richard Gibson>
my understanding is basically that you start with lexical goal symbol |InputElementHashbangOrRegExp| and syntactic goal symbol being either |Script| or |Module|. Production of an input element from application of that |InputElementHashbangOrRegExp| goal will then limit possibilities in the syntactic grammar to the point where the new lexical goal symbol is determined. For example: if the first input element is a |TemplateHead| `prefix${ then the syntactic grammar has committed to an |ExpressionStatement| and its contained |Expression| starts with a |SubstitutionTemplate| whose aforementioned |TemplateHead| must be followed by an |Expression|. |Expression| can expand to |RegularExpressionLiteral| but not to |TemplateMiddle|, so the new lexical goal symbol is |InputElementRegExp|. If that produces input element |StringLiteral| "foo", then the syntactic grammar has committed the inner |Expression| to a |MemberExpression| starting with that literal as the |PrimaryExpression|, which can be followed by something that extends the |MemberExpression| (i.e., [ or . for member access or ` for a tagged template or a noncommittal |WhiteSpace| or |LineTerminator| or |Comment|), or otherwise by something that extends a containing production (e.g., ( for a call or ?. for an optional chain or / for a division or } to continue the outer template). So that means the next input element can be a |TemplateMiddle| or |TemplateTail| but not a |RegularExpressionLiteral|, and the new lexical goal symbol is |InputElementTemplateTail|. Continue ad nauseam.
<Richard Gibson>
Timo Tijhof: you can get consistent sorting like newPages.sort( ( a, b ) => (isNaN(a.index) ? Infinity : a.index) - (isNaN(b.index) ? Infinity : b.index) ), but I don't think there's any way to avoid some kind of surrogate value
Richard Gibson re your lexing+parsing description: yup, that sounds about right.