Jake Archibald: actually, thinking about it some more I wonder if it's a problem across browsers; I'd be inclined to think that Firefox's cycle collector can handle this; WebKit prolly needs the unobserve though
foolip: I think the exception there is that we have tried to get better at indicating at what keeps what alive, e.g., event listeners keeping XHR alive (though we might have to revisit some of that as for that case in practice the network connection holds it alive iirc)
<Jake Archibald>
annevk: foolip can you vouch for me on https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1220041
<Jake Archibald>
They keep closing it wontfix
<Jake Archibald>
Surely it's a bug if it happens with ResizeObserver/IntersectionObserver but not MutationObserver and listeners
<Andreu Botella (he/they)>
So I found this issue re SVG thumbnails in Matrix, and it seems like the consensus is to not allow them: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/issues/1938
<Jake Archibald>
I do wish we had a content-type that renders SVG but limits it to the capabilities it gets in <img>
<Jake Archibald>
hm although that doesn't cater for billion lol
<Andreu Botella (he/they)>
I thought the problem was on servers potentially breaking when generating the thumbnail, not clients, but I guess clients only get the full-size image when you ask for it (in Element by clicking on the avatar/logo)
<Andreu Botella (he/they)>
Fetch body streams aren't BYOB, right?