<Hamish Willee>
@hamishwillee:matrix.org Just replied to your responsive image client hints questions on GH (thanks for the issues!). Your three-bullet summary of the changes looks accurate. I'll be around here going forward, if you have questions about the spec.
Eric Portis (he/him): Thanks very much. I did have one question. In several of the new headers it says:
"If the value is zero, it indicates that the image will not be displayed."
Is this what you would send in the hint for a request to retrieve an image for download (say)? I'm just trying to work out real cases where you'd hint this.
<Hamish Willee>
And at some point "we" should create an update to this wonderful article: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/optimizing-content-efficiency/client-hints#device_hints
<Eric Portis (he/him)>
I think I was thinking of non-visual UAs (like screen readers) when I wrote that—which might not make sense because IDK if they even send image requests? Logging off for the day but let me see if I can dig up my thinking... downloads are an interesting case that we should think more about, too.
I just realized that WebRTC is full of XMLHttpRequest-like naming, e.g., RTCDtlsTransport. It also has RTCDTMFSender and that's what https://w3ctag.github.io/design-principles/#casing-rules lists, but that seems to be an exception.
annevk: you may be amused to know that EdgeHTML had RTCDtmfSender
foolip: so I'm looking into WebRTC a bit more and how can it be that so many things are not defined at all and different between browsers?
foolip: basic things like the RTCPeerConnection constructor have many subtle differences
Tell me about it, I’ve filed many bugs, many of which were fixed
foolip: not sure if you meant that literally, but e.g., should { iceServers: [{urls:[]}] } throw?
Why is it like this? I dunno, it’s a very large API surface. Also it doesn’t help that there are relatively few users of WebRTC, so it hasn’t been worn into conformance by the broad masses like happens for DOM and such
foolip: where is it defined how the URLs are parsed/processed?
Chrome throws for stun:stun1.example.net/, Firefox does not
annevk: many were fixed, yes. It used to be that the constructor without arguments would throw!
I don't necessarily have a problem with that, as long as it's clear :-)
foolip: I filed https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2660
I don't necessarily have a problem with that, as long as it's clear :-)
It was only Chrome that threw, and the spec didn't have any required arguments :)
annevk: Is there any particular reason that you're poking at WebRTC?
foolip: https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2613
annevk: I see, makes sense that you're noticing the things about URLs then.
annevk: smaug: I'm eager to get https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/6714 merged so we can build on top of it (including for the spec update for https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/2018 ), so here's another ping :). I wasn't clear if you wanted to wait for smaug's signoff or not.
one day I'll figure out some good way to do spec reviews
Thank you! <3