<Hamish Willee>

Eric Portis (he/him): I'm doing VERY basic first docs on using EXIF for getting intrinsic size in https://github.com/mdn/content/pull/6798
Would I be correct that all four of PixelXDimension, PixelYDimension, ResolutionX, and ResolutionY (and ResolutionUnit) must be set and consistent or they will be ignored?

At this point I am saying very little because I can't find a good place in the existing docs to frame it. I think everyone assumes that all the terminology and relationships between terms are well understood but they aren't by me: CSS Pixel, Pixel density, device pixel density. Can you recommend a good explainer of that? I do kind of get it after some internet search, but would be good to have independent confirmation.

hi, is there something like https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html for css and something like https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests again for css?
Thank you!
The width and height attributes on img, iframe, embed, object, video, source when the parent is a picture element and, when their type attribute is in the Image Button state, input elements may be specified to give the dimensions of the visual content of the element (the width and height respectively, relative to the nominal direction of the output medium), in CSS pixels.
I am having a hard time parsing that sentence
it does not seem grammatically correct/complete
in particular, the part around “when their type attribute is in the Image Button state, input elements may be specified ”
sideshowbarker: "The width and height attributes on { img, iframe, embed, object, video, (source when the parent is a picture element) and, ( when their type attribute is in the Image Button state, input elements) } may be specified [...]" is how i read it
Is anyone who is following modules interested in reviewing the PR which integrates the TC39 Realms proposal? I've updated it based on previous feedback from the editors. https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/5339
sideshowbarker: "The width and height attributes on { img, iframe, embed, object, video, (source when the parent is a picture element) and, ( when their type attribute is in the Image Button state, input elements) } may be specified [...]" is how i read it
ah OK, thanks