<Jake Archibald>

annevk: another browsing context question:

  1. //origin1/a (not-isolated)
  2. //origin1/b but it causes an error page due to network failure

If I hit reload, and the page does not require isolation, will 1 & 2 use the same browsing context?

Random thought here, haven't kept up with latest developments: But I think the browser should use the URL and look for a browsing context for the url's site and use that. Saying "give me my own isolation chamber" does not include "isolate me off of my own site", does it?. I suppose that's unless the page declares itself open-able with CORP: cross-origin. But hey, I might be wrong.
<Jake Archibald>
annevk: the answer seems to be 'yes' in Chrome and Firefox, so it's weirdly different to the isolated case. I'll re-open the issue unless I can find something existing about it.

Let's imagine I (unfortunately) have a Respec spec that needs to link [[GetOwnProperty]] in ECMAScript. Just adding in a <dfn>[[\GetOwnProperty]]</dfn> ends up with:

Internal slot "[[GetOwnProperty]]" must be associated with a WebIDL interface. Use a data-dfn-for attribute to associate this dfn with a WebIDL interface

Which seems unhelpful; why does this need a WebIDL interface? Does anyone know how to fix it.

Well the actual markup is <li><dfn><a href=https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-8.12.1>[[\GetOwnProperty]]</a></dfn>; in the references section