20:08 | <Domenic> | I may have gotten emails working from wiki.whatwg.org, if anyone wants to test the "forgot my password" link. (I cannot test it for another 24 hours...) |
20:38 | <Ian Hickson> | why on earth is getGamePads on Navigator |
22:17 | <Domenic> | There is some superstition about putting things on the global so people started using navigator as a dumping ground |
22:17 | <Domenic> | I try to discourage it when possible but hard to catch everything |
22:57 | <Ian Hickson> | so weird |
23:14 | <krave> | Hi, I am reading HTML living standard. I do not quite understand the syntax used here. https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/images.html#source-size-list |
23:14 | <krave> | Where can I find explainations about these syntax? |
23:15 | <emilio> | krave: that's CSS syntax: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax/ |
23:18 | <krave> | For example, the brackets, sharp, comma, and question mark in [ <source-size># , ]? <source-size-value> |
23:20 | <krave> | krave: that's CSS syntax: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax/ |
23:21 | <krave> | Any hint about this specific sentance? [ <source-size># , ]? <source-size-value> |
23:42 | <emilio> | krave: I guess https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#value-defs is the document that actually defines those combinators |
23:43 | <emilio> | What about that specific bit? |
23:43 | <emilio> | # is a multiplier as per https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#component-multipliers |
23:43 | <emilio> | so that means, "optionally, <source-size> s separated by commas, then one mandatory <source-size-value> " |