07:42 | <annevk> | Doug Conmy: can you ping me again next week maybe? I have some other things I need to tackle first |
07:43 | <annevk> | wanderview: yeah |
08:02 | <Ms2ger 💉💉> | Wiki's dead? |
11:07 | <Luca Casonato> | Can infra tuples be destructured? Ie: Set (body, type) to the result of extracting init. Where "extracting init" returns a tuple of (body, type) |
11:08 | <annevk> | Luca Casonato: I think I saw someone do that without objection, but technically it's not defined in Infra |
11:10 | <Luca Casonato> | ok, i'll just do it the normal way then. i should go open a PR for this to infra |
11:10 | <Luca Casonato> | thanks! |
11:28 | <annevk> | Luca Casonato: that'd be great |
11:30 | <Luca Casonato> | annevk: On that note, I split out the "body with type" changes from fetch#1392 into https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/1439. It's purely editorial, so should be relatively easy to land :) |
14:52 | <wanderview> | is encodeURI() something folks are recommended to use? it seems to escape things differently than the URL spec |
14:58 | <annevk> | wanderview: depending on what you need it's okay; I don't think we should build things on top of it though |
14:59 | <wanderview> | in this case someone filed a urlpattern-polyfill bug because they expected [] in pathname to be encoded like encodeURI() does, but we follow URL spec and do not encode that |
15:16 | <annevk> | Oh interesting, I've never seen a request like that for the URL standard |
15:16 | <annevk> | Speaking of which, when is URLPattern getting standardized? |
15:21 | <Luca Casonato> | Speaking of which, when is URLPattern getting standardized? |
15:21 | <annevk> | Luca Casonato: WICG is not a standards body |
15:23 | <Luca Casonato> | Ah sorry - I misinterpreted that question then. Was the intention that it ends up in the URL spec? Or a as a separate WHATWG spec? |
15:23 | <annevk> | At least in Mozilla when we talk about "standardized" it's roughly what's written down at https://wiki.mozilla.org/ExposureGuidelines#Ensure_that_the_feature_is_standardized |
15:23 | <annevk> | I think either could work, but wanderview at some point expressed an interest in a separate spec, could be the same Workstream though |
15:24 | <Luca Casonato> | If there is interested from Mozilla on implementation btw, it might make sense to hop on a call. We have a fully compliant, pluggable implementation in Rust already that could be used as a baseline for Gecko. |
15:25 | <Luca Casonato> | https://crates.io/crates/urlpattern |
15:26 | <annevk> | It hasn't directly come up, but it was something in the back of my mind that we eventually want to get to; nice to know it might be mostly free though 🙂 |
17:39 | <wanderview> | I still want to move it to the whatwg workstream, but its not a high priority at the moment... if another browser was intending to implement soon it would be a higher priority to move it |
17:45 | <Doug Conmy> | Doug Conmy: can you ping me again next week maybe? I have some other things I need to tackle first |
20:37 | <wanderview> | are document navigation, starting workers, and starting worklets the only way environments or environment settings can be created? |