Noam Rosenthal: I am fixing https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/cff0ff1898/resource-timing/SO-XO-SO-redirect-chain-tao.https.html#L56-L61 for Firefox. I wonder which redirect should cause the TAO check to fail?
is it because the last redirect from cross-origin to same-origin?
I am asking because in Firefox, the TAO check is done by always againsting the origin that started the load
which is probably wrong I guess. I am still not familiar with the FETCH spec, is it supposed to be done by against the current origin?
Does emitting the token happen regardless of the previous if-otherwise?
<Noam Rosenthal>
sefeng: It's because the request's origin becomes redirect-tainted (https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-tainted-origin), and the TAO check accesses that origin which is serialized to null (https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#ref-for-serializing-a-request-origin%E2%91%A0). This part is a bit hard to follow in the fetch spec IMO.
Andrew Williams: that's a very good question, I think it's closely related to https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5254
Andrew Williams: my inclination would be yes, as the entire chain is HTTPS
It's somewhat unfortunate the entire world went with application/json rather than text/json.
<Ms2ger 💉💉>
Does emitting the token happen regardless of the previous if-otherwise?
I'd read that as "yes". Maybe two paragraphs would be clearer
Ok. Thank you!
Noam Rosenthal: thanks. So say have a A->B->A redirect chains, when should the tainted origin returns true?
the spec says If url’s origin is not same origin with lastURL’s origin and request’s origin is not same origin with lastURL’s origin, then return true
I'd assume we want it to return true when doing thelast redirect, but doesn't last redirect which is A have the same origin as the lastURL's origin?
at this point, url is B, lastURL is A, and request's origin is 'A'
what do I miss?
oh perhaps the URL list contains the last redirect already before doing the TAO check of the last redirect, so I can continue the loop to make lastURI=B, url=A and request=A?
<Noam Rosenthal>
sefeng: I don't remember exactly, but I think you can't make TAO succeed for redirect-tainted origins, even A->B->A, just like CORS can't. annevk / Yoav Weiss perhaps have more context about this
sefeng: in A -> B -> A, when this check happens request's URL list will contain [A, B, A] because otherwise it can't request the final A
The underlying security problem is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confused_deputy_problem
(I also have to re-read this algorithm each time to see if it works, if someone would be willing to add some examples underneath that'd be much appreciated!)
<Noam Rosenthal>
annevk: ok, so IIUC, for CORS it protects from CSRF amongst other things, where e.g. a POST to another site would redirect you to a different authenticated POST in the original site. And we added that limitation to TAO to align with CORS. The attack vector on TAO is a bit less clearer to me in this case but the alignment makes some sense.
<Noam Rosenthal>
sefeng: ^^
<Eric Portis (he/him)>
A question someone has surely asked before... if I, a subresource host, have already granted cross-origin read access with Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, why would I ever not want to grant embed access via Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: cross-origin?
<Eric Portis (he/him)>
Which is to say, why do I have to set both? Why doesn't ACAO:* imply CORP:cross-origin? I get that it doesn't right now because ACAO is for CORS, and CORP is for cross-origin isolation, and those are different... but like, read permission is ≥ embed permission, I think?
<Eric Portis (he/him)>
If you squint, both headers say, "this resource doesn't contain any private data"
<Andrew Williams>
ah interesting, thanks for the link and feedback annevk