Guys, I had these ideas to help the web be better. I would like to know everyone's opinion on these drafts and ideas! https://discourse.wicg.io/u/raphaellouis/activity/topics - I would like positive or negative feedback on these ideas!
raphaellouis: some of us aren't guys
raphaellouis: terms like “Web 5.0” & “HTML7” are probably going to make people in here cringe; the WHATWG living standards are not versioned
raphaellouis: i don't have an account there, but manually timestamping a doctype seems error-prone and can easily be lied about..
Hi, I have a question about the input element, specifically the behavior of min and max when they do not apply to the current type state. It says the behavior is defined in that section, but the section for min and max doesn't seem to specify that. It says browsers should use the algorithm to convert a string to a number, but none is specified for, e.g., the Text state. I assume this just means the algorithm doesn't return a number and thus there is no minimum or maximum, but I don't see where this is specified. (I know that as an author, I cannot use these attributes where they do not apply, but I'm just wondering what exactly is supposed to happen.)
amphitryon: would you mind linking to the section you're referring to?
So https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#do-not-apply tells me to check https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#attr-input-min for the behavior. This doesn't mention when they don't apply (the way other attributes do), but it does link to https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#concept-input-value-string-number, which tells me to look in https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#text-(type=text)-state-and-search-state-(type=search) for the algorithm definition.
Oh wait, looking at it more, I see what it says at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#common-input-element-attributes is that it must be ignored. I thought that since ones like maxlength explicitly stated "when it applies", that there would be a similar phrasing for any of them.
And that is clearly linked to right next to the definition of "do not apply", so go ahead and disregard my question.
the only thing i might caution you about client-side input validation is that it isn't fool-proof
like, absolutely be sure to validate your inputs on the back-end too
Oh, for sure. My original reason for trying to understand this was just to know if I had to use type=number to get a UA's native numeric range restrictions, but I'll just do the client-side part in Javascript, since it falls under the note about consisting of numbers but not being a number.
Is there any plan to provide a grammar for https://url.spec.whatwg.org/