bakkot: Seems somewhat reasonable, although I'd be especially happy if someone could do the analysis for all similar web platform methods. I think that would be: byobStreamReader.read(), textEncoder.encodeInto(), maybe crypto.getRandomValues()?
zcorpan: well, I think if we rewrote that to use "constructor steps" we'd use the relevant settings object of this, but you're correct that it'll be 1:1 with the current settings object
bakkot: how does that work, exactly? If you pass in too big a string encodeInto() would end up growing the buffer? Can that be overloaded or would that some new signature?
bakkot: anyway, seems worthwhile to write it down in a bit more detail in an issue. Might take a while, but it's always good to have ideas recorded in a logical place
Private fields don't work on derived classes? Am I missing something?
Instance private fields work, static private fields only work if you access them using ClassName.#priv and not this.#priv (even from static methods)
nicolo-ribaudo: oh, maybe you can't declare them in the constructor? And I confused enclosing class with parent class, hmm
Ok, good if so
You can only declare them outside of the constructor, using the fields syntax
If you want the inner class to have the same private fields as the outer one, that's not possible (even if you re-use the same name, it's a different "private key")
freddy: No problem! Thanks. I'll shoot you an email on Thursday.
Thursday is a holiday in Germany. I'll likely take a look on Monday then ;D