sideshowbarker: It looks like the MDN-spec-links project moved to html-now? But the SPECMAP.json file is still present at the old location, and apparently out of date.
(Bikeshed is pulling down some 404 pages for mdn data right now.)
sideshowbarker: It looks like the MDN-spec-links project moved to html-now? But the SPECMAP.json file is still present at the old location, and apparently out of date.
Not moved. The html-now SPECMAP.json is a copy. But spec-links is just borked at the moment, for some reason. I’ll look into right now and fix it.
Kk. I should respond to 404s better too
can you give me one that you are getting a 404 on right now?
ah nevermind
I see now
lord, what did I do
w3c.github.io/mdn-spec-links is just entirely redirecting to https://html-now.github.io/
that’s completely unintentional and I don’t yet have any idea how I caused that, nor when (how long ago)
…and unfortunately, used a 301 rather than a 302
TabAtkins: should be un-borked now — at least from non-browser requests without some network cache in between
for browsers, may need to do some fiddling in devtools

The web platform and JS are inconsistent wrt each other in the handling of undefined & missing arguments to functions. (When I speak of "missing arguments", I mean only for cases where an argument is required, and is not typed to accept undefined.)

Historically in JS, missing arguments are treated the same way as explicit undefined: coerce the value undefined to the relevant argument type. So for example escape() returns the string "undefined".

In the web platform, missing arguments are an error, in contrast to JS. Like in JS, an explicit undefined is coerced to the relevant argument type, so it is handled differently from missing arguments.

TC39 just came to consensus that we'd like to be stricter here, for new APIs. In fact we'd like to be stricter even than the web platform currently is - we'll adopt the "missing arguments are an error" thing from the web platform, but in addition we'll start treating explicit undefined as an error.

I'm hoping the web platform can make the same change: treat missing arguments and explicit undefined consistently with each other, as an error. Obviously this is not a trivial change.

Assuming people are open to this, what's the best way to go about making such a change? I was thinking a new [LegacyCoerceUndefined] Web IDL attribute, which would be attached to ~every existing API specified with Web IDL, and then change the default definition for argument handling without that attribute so that explicit undefined throws. Does that sound reasonable?

cc Domenic since we were talking about this over in the tc39 channel
bakkot: in principle I think that could work, modulo the amount of work; but presumably it only applies to a subset of arguments, strings and nullables?
we don't want to coerce undefined to 0 either? and for nullables accepting undefined is fine
for booleans the default value is generally false so coercing is fine, as long as you can also just omit the argument and get false
you can't coerce undefined to object types, of course. I think that covers everything?

that is, when passing an explicit undefined:

  • any object type: already an error
  • symbol/bigint/function types: already an error
  • nullable: legal because that's what "nullable" means
  • boolean: presumably intended to default to false; should continue to do so
  • string: should become error
  • number: should become error (unless 0 is intended to be the default, as it often is)
in the boolean/number cases where you want a default value, missing arguments should be accepted and treated the same way as an explicit undefined, rather than getting an error
Makes sense, I forgot that undefined works for numbers/booleans
<Jeffrey Yasskin>
Nit: passing undefined to a WebIDL dictionary should probably stay equivalent to passing {}. There's a recommendation (https://webidl.spec.whatwg.org/#dfn-optional-argument-default-value) to make that the default value for trailing dictionaries, but there might be interior ones for which it matters.
<Jeffrey Yasskin>
Well, I guess I don't actually have a preference that people be able to pass undefined instead of {}. It's just not quite true that it's already an error for all object types.
ah, I only mean for this to apply when there are no default values specified
in the case of default values, I would want explicit undefined, like an entirely missing argument, to give you the default value
... also is the default for dictionaries really {} instead of { __proto__: null }? seems bad...
for non-trailing dictionaries, which do not have default values specified (i.e. the argument is required), it seems like it ought not accept undefined, to me?
<Andreu Botella>
... also is the default for dictionaries really {} instead of { __proto__: null }? seems bad...
WebIDL dictionaries are only ever taken as arguments, they're never returned from an API, so this isn't a concern.
bakkot: {} is a Web IDL literal, it's not a JS object
ah, ok
Dictionaries are returned by some APIs btw.
<Andreu Botella>
Oh, it says it can't be a value of constants or attributes, but that's because then there's the issue of what happens when JS code updates them
<Jeffrey Yasskin>
But in the case of a returned dictionary, the empty one is OrdinaryObjectCreate(%Object.prototype%)
<Jeffrey Yasskin>
I'm not so worried about returned dictionaries. I just want to ensure that when using an empty dictionary as a default value, you don't risk inheriting missing properties from Object.prototype.
I guess if you're returning a dictionary for which some property is conditionally present that would be a concern.
<Jeffrey Yasskin>
It might actually be ambiguous in WebIDL. The spec is "Optional argument default values can also be specified using the two token value {}, which represents a default-initialized (as if from ES null or an object with no properties) dictionary value.", but as you say, null and "an object with no properties" could be interpreted as producing different dictionaries.