I have been designing web sites since 1993. I started out with NCSA Mosaic and websites implemented on NCSA httpd. I am tired of being forced to use JavaScript as the only way to implement dynamic functionality on web pages. IMHO Brendan Eich only invented it as a temporary measure. His exploitation of the Java trademark suggests to me that he expected the compiled Java language to eventually replace it, once the appropriate libraries were constructed. Back in the 90s I wrote Java Applets and even taught a course on them. But Java has been removed from all browsers "Because of the removal of older NPAPI plugins on which Java is built on." But that was only one implementation of the Java VM.
HTML tables have a defined schema, table -> tbody -> tr -> td
Is there a way for the row to behave like an <a> element, in a way that the row's link can be copied, or opened in a new tab with ctrl+click.
You can write a script to go to another URL based upon information in the row: trow.addEventListener('click', eventhandler); Remember to set role="link" and to use styles to notify users that it is a link. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/link_role for caveats.
<Christine Belzie>
Hey Christine Belzie, I'm not aware of any docs-related issue, but you could scan through https://github.com/search?q=org%3Awhatwg+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22+is%3Aopen&type=issues to see if any of those seems doable; happy to help
Hey annevk! :) I want to do this one: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/3296