Coincidentally, I also plan to implement the navigation soon Though it's really dense (the intro paragraph literally calls it "the dragon's maw") so I'm 🌈 procrastinating 🌈
Off the top of my head on a weekend, I thought there was a step early in navigation/traversal that would abort any current loads in the top-level traversable and its descendants?
Domenic: I think so, there was a concept of maturing and a new navigation would abort immature navigations or some such
<Alexander Kalenik>
Off the top of my head on a weekend, I thought there was a step early in navigation/traversal that would abort any current loads in the top-level traversable and its descendants?
As I understand it, if the navigation that is currently loading needs to be canceled, we need to set its "ongoing navigation" to something other than the navigation ID. I would expect this to happen during the "apply the history step" process, but from what I've seen, it only takes care of "changing navigables".
<Alexander Kalenik>
Domenic: I think so, there was a concept of maturing and a new navigation would abort immature navigations or some such
yes, I would expect something like that to happen but haven't yet found this in the spec
Hmm, did that get removed in the navigation refactor?
Step 11 of https://html.spec.whatwg.org/review-drafts/2022-07/#navigate has it. So if it's not there now it's a regression. Pretty bad one.
It's still there. Step 17. https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#navigate
<Alexander Kalenik>
right, changing "ongoing navigation" means canceling any navigation that hasn't been finished. but shouldn't we also do that for all child navigables of a navigable that navigates?
I guess descendants might never have been covered. I guess that can happen with bfcache?
Oh wait. I think I see now. Yeah hmm, not sure.
Recalling stuff from long ago now... I think that ought to be covered by canceling all the fetches for the fetch group, but we never got around to specifying that well.
Step 20.3 should take care of descendants
<Noam Rosenthal>
https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#abort-a-document #2 is a bit lacking in terms of what it means to "cancel any instances of fetch", I'd be happy to fix this as part of fetchLater, didn't it use to call "terminate a fetch group" before?
I think there was also disagreement about the point in time that got invoked where Fx might have been more aggressive? Would benefit from tests
<Noam Rosenthal>
<Noam Rosenthal>
Ah Firefox
<Alexander Kalenik>
Step 20.3 should take care of descendants
Oh, right. Now I see, thank you!
Not sure we have the right thing for traversals though, to be honest. (E.g. if your entrypoint is "traverse the history by a delta".)
Hmm maybe step 8.3? https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#apply-the-history-step
Anyone already in Sevilla? I'm flying in from Madrid shortly.
I'm here, and I sat next to Olli on the plane :D
<Alexander Kalenik>
Step 20.3 should take care of descendants
hmm, I am looking at step 3 in https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#abort-a-document: "Set document's navigation id to null.". shouldn't it be "ongoing navigation" of a navigable instead?
Oh what happened there... I think I tried to unify those concepts, and maybe failed?
Please file an issue... eek