I don't understand the question, sorry... The spec text you quote does not involve the word "sibling", and I can't understand your followup question after you gave the frame tree.
I am curious what exact term in the existing specification you don't understand?
Like if you implement the spec's algorithms as-written (in a small standalone code, e.g. a JS snippet) where do you get stuck?
I don't understand the question, sorry... The spec text you quote does not involve the word "sibling", and I can't understand your followup question after you gave the frame tree.

In reply to Domenic
I don't understand the question, sorry... The spec text you quote does not involve the word "sibling", and I can't understand your followup question after you gave the frame tree.

I meant that it doesn't specify what to do with siblings at all as far as I can tell? And WPTs expect it to set in siblings as well I think

it does specify itself as windows starts with it's own the beginning*
canadahonk: per the spec those tests would be wrong
canadahonk: if the tests are correct, it might make more sense to track clicks on the agent directly in some kind of origin -> activation timestamp map

eg a frame tree like

- top
  - iframe 1
  - iframe 2 (sibling to iframe 1)
would you expect the 2nd iframe to get set if you clicked the 1st from your interpretation of the spec?
canadahonk: no
canadahonk: I vaguely recall bringing this up at one point and people said this was intentional; would require some checking; but if it's not what's implemented and tested that's all kinda moot
that's what a WPT expects so :/ (guessing chrome does this too then as it's from them)
canadahonk: file an issue? And maybe find the original commit/PR as a bonus?
yeah I was asking if it is a spec bug or a wpt bug
canadahonk: if implementations follow WPT, it doesn't really matter and should be raised at the spec level
filed https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9831 for reference
Hmm, for both <input type=url> and <input type=email> we don't attempt to canonicalize the input at all, it seems, across browsers
That strikes me as the wrong thing to do
I wonder if emilio or jarhar have thoughts on that. As an example, if you enter https://example.org/?q=🏳️‍🌈 as a URL, that is what gets submitted, not https://example.org/?q=%F0%9F%8F%B3%EF%B8%8F%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8C%88 (which is what parsing and serializing would return)
It's not entirely broken, but it's very much reliant on the fact that the server uses the same email/URL parser
It does seem like we have a number of ways we could use to make the display value and actual value diverge, like the modes of the value IDL attribute
emilio: jarhar: made it a bit more concrete in https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4562#issuecomment-1747014388
i dont have really strong opinions on this. i can try to implement and ship what you think is best but if it breaks lots of websites then ill have to reconsider
jarhar: that's a very kind offer, let's see what the i18n experts have to say (particularly hoping for a reply from Addison) and take it from there
jarhar: for IP addresses I guess I should look at that more carefully, I saw some comment that even IPv4 email addresses required some kind of [ ] escaping which I don't think browsers handle, but maybe that was just wrong

annevk: "Also, it's written by Frédéric Wang as well."

Can you explain what you mean by this?

ah probably you mean way further down the preview shows, the authors
heya 'yall. :)