Following up on that — what is the expected behavior for a maplike (or setlike)? In my understanding, a maplike should work as a map, so iterating should use live data.
But then there is this wpt, which (given the commit message) deliberately iterates on a copy of the data. Is there some section in the spec I’m missing, or is this not defined properly?
I think the latter
freddy: Sorry for dropping the ball on this! I'll send you an email now.
maplike and setlike being undefined is the major motivation for that in-progress PR.
* freddy: No problem! Thanks. I'll shoot you an email on Thursday.
freddy: Done 😇
The button background color is not changing when toggling between fullscreen and no fullscreen using F11 and Esc. Link: https://pastebin.com/KQqMMjUh
<Dan Fabulich>
I have a random shot-in-the-dark question… not sure if this is the right place to ask it. Recently HTMX has seen a surge in popularity, and, in particular, I think its users have some interest in standardizing some of its features, especially having HTML have the ability to do same-origin requests for HTML document fragments and swapping/merging them into the current page. Is WHATWG the right forum to discuss something like this? (If not, is there a better place for that discussion?)
Dan Fabulich: it seems like a good place to discuss. File a spec issue for html
There's probably an issue for client-side includes already, if I understand the suggestion correctly.
<Noam Rosenthal>
not exactly, it's submitting a form that only replaces part of the document
Oh I see. Declarative AJAX.
<Dan Fabulich>
I'm actually a bit stumped on how to write "use cases" for declarative AJAX. (It does so much!)
<Noam Rosenthal>
Dan Fabulich: search the web for "HTMx use cases" and you'll probably find copy-pastable things
<Noam Rosenthal>
(An HTMx fan here)