Why have you chosen not to include the :fullscreen CSS pseudo-class among other CSS pseudo-classes in this link https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics-other.html#pseudo-classes, despite dedicating a page to the fullscreen API here https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/?
chargeitall: it's defined in https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#:fullscreen-pseudo-class already, no need to define it twice
Would you omit :checked from the html multipage if it had its own page?
I am inquiring about excluding the :fullscreen pseudo-class from being listed next to other CSS pseudo-classes. It could be listed with a brief description, and the user can click for a more in-depth understanding. Is there another reason for excluding it as there are excluded CSS pseudo-classes e.g. :first-child or :current that were not defined as the case with the Fullscreen API.
Some pseudo-classes don't require a definition in the host language as they're host-agnostic, though CSS isn't great about differentiating between the two kinds.
The WHATWG focuses on various technologies that are essential components of the web platform. Is this why there is no specific CSS standard? Does this imply that if I want to discover a new CSS feature, I should depend on W3C/CSSWG instead of WHATWG? like the ones in the Candidate Recommendation TRs?
chargeitall: the web platform is made up of a variety of standards created by a variety of standards organizations. Depending on where your interests lie, you may have to pay attention to WHATWG, Unicode, W3C (includes the CSS WG), Ecma (TC39 in particular), CA/Browser Forum, Khronos, AOM, etc.
annevk: Friendly ping on https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/1655 when you have a chance