13:42 | <chargeitall> | Why have you chosen not to include the :fullscreen CSS pseudo-class among other CSS pseudo-classes in this link https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics-other.html#pseudo-classes, despite dedicating a page to the fullscreen API here https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/? |
13:44 | <annevk> | chargeitall: it's defined in https://fullscreen.spec.whatwg.org/#:fullscreen-pseudo-class already, no need to define it twice |
13:46 | <chargeitall> | Would you omit :checked from the html multipage if it had its own page? |
14:11 | <chargeitall> | I am inquiring about excluding the :fullscreen pseudo-class from being listed next to other CSS pseudo-classes. It could be listed with a brief description, and the user can click for a more in-depth understanding. Is there another reason for excluding it as there are excluded CSS pseudo-classes e.g. :first-child or :current that were not defined as the case with the Fullscreen API. |
14:19 | <annevk> | Some pseudo-classes don't require a definition in the host language as they're host-agnostic, though CSS isn't great about differentiating between the two kinds. |
15:36 | <chargeitall> | The WHATWG focuses on various technologies that are essential components of the web platform. Is this why there is no specific CSS standard? Does this imply that if I want to discover a new CSS feature, I should depend on W3C/CSSWG instead of WHATWG? like the ones in the Candidate Recommendation TRs? |
15:40 | <annevk> | chargeitall: the web platform is made up of a variety of standards created by a variety of standards organizations. Depending on where your interests lie, you may have to pay attention to WHATWG, Unicode, W3C (includes the CSS WG), Ecma (TC39 in particular), CA/Browser Forum, Khronos, AOM, etc. |
20:31 | <meacer> | annevk: Friendly ping on https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/1655 when you have a chance |