Has anybody made a diagram that shows the relationship/structure for navigables, browsing contexts, Windows, documents? For example, something similar to https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZRIQbUKw9Tf077odCh66OrrwRIVNLvI_nhLm2Gi__F0/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g30f0fc55_0_152
Some attempts in https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/3863 , outdated by now

One thing that’s challenging about implementing spec features is that the abstractions/classes used in browser-engine source — other than Document and maybe Window — don’t clearly map to spec constructs.

I mean the fact that, for example, there’s no, say, BrowsingContext class in WebKit/Blink — instead the closest thing to that (and to a navigable) is called Frame, and it’s not completely clear that really does correspond very directly to the spec constructs.

And then WebKit and Blink have a Page class — which in Gecko corresponds maybe to a docshell? But neither Page nor docshell seem to map clearly to anything in the spec.

And because of all that, sometimes when I look at some particular conditional check in the engine sources, I can’t see what particular observable (JavaScript-testable) condition in frontend JavaScript code that condition corresponds to — or even if it corresponds to any observable/JavaScript-testable condition.

Example: if (!frame->page())

Since I don’t know what (if anything) a Page maps to in the spec, I also don’t know what it means for a Frame to not have an associated Page, and whether a change to the code block for that condition is something that will be observable from frontend code and potentially affect existing tests — or that should require new tests.

Dominic Farolino has thought a lot about these things in Chromium
Dominic Farolino has thought a lot about these things in Chromium
I'll look forward to chatting with Dom about it
Domenic: do you recall the story around Uint8Array in more detail? https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/1724
It certainly wasn't about what implementations were doing
It was originally a constraint on outputs. Then for upload streams we decided not to allow anything else... not sure exactly why. Maybe because you should only be upload-streaming bytes, not float32s?
For arguments to methods, accepting BufferSource seems like the general rule.
Maybe for upload streams it was so that code path could be optimized? But okay, that matches my general recollection.
<Chris de Almeida>
<Chris de Almeida>
☝️ apparently the cat has been at the keyboard
Is it intended that a browsing context group should be 1-1 with an agent cluster, and a browsing context should be 1-1 with an agent, from ECMA 262?
It seems like the AO to create a new browsing context and document is essentially saying, "create a new agent". But it's not clear to me what part of the algorithms following from the rules for choosing a target navigable tell me whether I need to create a new process for the browsing context. Or rather, what part of the rules tell me whether a new navigable should live within the same agent cluster or not.
Or wait no. Create a new browsing context and document says to create a new realm. Which is not the same as an agent. 😵‍💫