
If you don't need a content attribute then you are just doing normal JS API design.

This is the part I'm curious about. I just don't really know when you would "need" a content attribute vs just stick with JS API design on the element's IDL interface. If someone says "I want to introduce a new 'attribute' on this element", then they've two options: (1) content attribute with automatic IDL reflection, vs (2) just IDL attribute, for a JS API. I'm not clear on how to provide guidance to select between those two. I would need to ask them a question relating to "If you need/don't need a content attribute" above. So I guess I'd ask "Can this just be a JS API on the element's interface, or do you need it to also be a content attribute". But to "need a content attribute" (i.e., an IDL attribute alone is insufficient) means your design desires to trigger the attribute's behavior without script... I think.. like just from HTML.

Yes, your last sentence is correct.
In general HTML elements are designed as HTML first; the fact that they have JS APIs is an interesting addition in some cases.
But if you just want a JS API then you can just design a JS API. Maybe even not tied to a HTML element at all.
Has anyone ever suggested allowing an element to exist in two places in the dom tree? Like a <slot> that can point to another node? I have vague memories of reading about this over a decade ago before web components. Seems more feasible now though.
sirisian: we could use it for <select>, but it's more of a CSS feature I'd think
@annevk That's exactly what I've always needed it for. I have thousands of drop downs and code to deduplicates such picker options. My code would be very elegant if I could just point to their options and not move stuff around manually.
How did you envision that working? Thinking of trying to make a very basic proposal. "display: contents; contents: #foo;" I foresee two modes. #foo tag is slotted and another mode where #foo's children are slotted. So "contents: #foo" and "contents: #foo / children;" Not sure on the syntax.
That raises a lot of questions about all sorts of APIs. Lots of things assume an element has one principal box. E.g. how does something like getBoundingClientRect() behave?
Not trying to discourage necessarily, just pointing out that it's probably a bigger challenge than it seems