akaster: I suspect what happens in practice is that folks forward the remaining tasks
akaster: although I suppose here a queue is really just a list underneath so you might as well copy the list of tasks all at once, hmm
In the case of a message port, would all the tasks just be serialized data ready to be deserialized in some arbitrary realm?
And this could happen when you have some kind of capability-based system as Ian envisioned when he wrote this up. You pass your message port out, but whoever receiving it might pass it along to someone else, but at the same time it starts getting incoming messages.
akaster: yeah.
Hmm ok. I guess we can make that work. Still no barriers to allowing process-barriers between workers and windows yet 😸
https://github.com/WICG/proposals/issues/131 Updated with a real proposal. Anyone want to fundamentally change DOM?
annevk: I'm looking at adding the historical tests for commit() into WPT as you suggested, however I find html/canvas quite messy there with a mix of manual and auto-generated tests and an element/offscreen segregation. So I'm not sure where it would be best to add this. Do you think directly in html/canvas is just-fineâ„¢?
For reference, another such test might be needed for the scrollPathIntoView method, removed in https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/8229 which would concern only element, though that one never had any implementation.
For the record, I believe I might do this sometimes: I often use a MessageChannel as a way to start various Promise based communication channels with a single multi-task worker. The first one will thus start the worker, ask to transfer its MessagePort and send a first message into the port synchronously. But if I'm not mistaken, the transferring of the port will actually be done asynchronously, once the worker is ready, and thus after I sent the first message to the port.
Kaiido: yes html/canvas/historical.any.js (not sure what environments you need, adjust extension accordingly) would be just fine
Kaiido: and I think adding scrollPathIntoView seems reasonable, though perhaps with a comment that it's prolly safe to reuse that name if we wanted to
annevk: btw, tiny markup fix in https://github.com/whatwg/url/pull/808 ahead of me cutting a new Bikeshed release that'll start flagging it as an error.
(There might be more similar ones coming from me in a few minutes, I'm running thru all the WHATWG specs since they're easy.)