does mdn web doc discord channel work on element?
annevk: would you take a PR to add <div algorithm> to some or all algorithms in DOM (no promises when I might have time, but the lack of them means that variable highlighting doesn't work)
Ms2ger: yes, see Fetch for my preferred style
Is it correct to assume that the kind of "requirement on callers" listed here is discouraged for future specs/spec updates? https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/structured-data.html#performing-structured-clones-from-other-specifications > Call sites that are not invoked as a result of author code synchronously calling into a user agent method must take care to properly prepare to run script and prepare to run a callback before invoking StructuredSerialize, StructuredSerializeForStorage, or StructuredSerializeWithTransfer abstract operations, if they are being performed on arbitrary objects.
And following that, is there any kind of tracking issue for places that "should be" updated to explicitly manipulate the surrounding agent's execution context stack?
As a side note, it seems that Domenic's navigation apis will do that sort of "deferred structured serialize" mentioned in the second example if a navigation history entry needs its history API state serialized/deserialized "in parallel" or on the traversal task source 🤔
Or maybe it was from a webidl callback context in the WaitForAll in navigation history event processing 🤔🤔. I'll have to revive my branch implementing that
I think we also ran into this kind of implicit execution context stack issue within the module loading implementation, though that was mostly Andreas this month
Hm, why would you think it's discouraged? It's useful to know what implicit assumptions an algorithm makes, when relevant, which might affect how you can/should call it.
I would rather see the explicit steps on the actual callers as well, rather than make it implicit
When implementing algorithms that call that method, it's hard to keep track of all the context of which algorithms have special requirements
In Ladybird at the moment, that manifests as a test failing with an assertion that the execution context stack is not empty, and we then have to go put a RAII helper into the part of the algorithm that needs one. Rather than seeing "prepare to run a script and a callback" as a spec step, we need to hit the code path from the event loop or as a result of the UI process poking the renderer and recognize the source of the assertion failure
Those requirements on callers are not meant to be action at a distance. They're meant to be advice to future spec writers.
Navigation API serialization/deserialization is always on the main thread.
Hmm okay, in that case I'll try to document all the "extra" prepare to run script/callback steps we've had to add and see if we're doing something wrong for them or if the steps should be added
On the main thread and as a result of a JavaScript call aren't always the same thing though. Maybe we just always need to push a context when interacting from the UI process and it all goes away