<Ms2ger (back in 2024 W2)>
It involves Ms2ger (back in 2024 W2)
I deny everything
I'm quoting from this source: https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#implementation-defined "Features that are defined in documents using the Infra Standard that can be used as a tracking vector are marked as this paragraph is". This sentence is unclear to me: "are marked as this paragraph is". Can you explain what it means?
chargeitall: it's referencing the fingerprint icon, maybe we should make that more explicit
I appreciate your clarification. I was puzzled by the presence of this fingerprint. I did not see how it related to this phrase since the fingerprint icon was far from the text.
using only icons and not also text isn't accessible anyways, that should probably be improved

"Declare algorithms by stating their name, parameters, and return type, in the following form:
To [algorithm name], given a [type1] [parameter1], a [type2] [parameter2], …,perform the following steps. They return a [return type]."

Q1. Is it better to add parameter type? e.g. "Declare algorithms by stating their name, parameter type, parameters, and return type, in the following form:"
Q2. why [parameter1] is in italic?

There's no alt attribute?
i'm sure there is but i shouldnt have to hover to see what something means, ideally

The word "fingerprint" was missing in the paragraph as opposed to

Features that are defined in documents using the Infra Standard that can be used as a tracking vector are marked with a fingerprint icon as this paragraph is

<Ms2ger (back in 2024 W2)>
Variables are conventionally rendered in italic
your clarification qualifies to a concept used by multiple standards without a good home. would it make sense to add it to the infra standard?