<Ari Entlich>
Digging around a bit more, this behavior in Firefox appears to be very old. It seems to be have been introduced in 2001, 23 years ago. Here is the associated bugzilla bug, including some discussion of the design: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108308 . This also gives me more confidence that my assessment is correct.
Safari logs false true for https://jsfiddle.net/9j6wcxqu/2/
<Panos Astithas>
Thanks for the heads up, should I add them to the same meeting as the existing one or in future meetings?

I don’t find anything in the spec that says anything about setting the dirty checkedness flag on all elements in a radio button group after the dirty checkedness has been set on one element which happens to be in that group.

Ari Entlich So you probably want to file a bug report at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=__default__&product=Core&component=DOM%3A%20Core%20%26%20HTML

annevk: What time will the Feb 22 meeting referred to in https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/5121#issuecomment-1857601843 be at and how do I get myself invited?
hsivonen: they'll join the WHATNOT meeting
I think the same one. We should just start with this and hopefully cover everything they want to talk about.
hsivonen: they'll join the WHATNOT meeting
WHATNOT isn't findable by the usual search engines.
WHATNOT isn't findable by the usual search engines.
Looks like I need site:github.com instead of site:whatwg.org, but even so, can't find the time for that particular day.
hsivonen: apologies, I thought you were on the invite list. Do you want to join just that meeting?
hsivonen: apologies, I thought you were on the invite list. Do you want to join just that meeting?
A calendar invite for just that meeting would be great, yes.
hsivonen: invited your corporate account, assume that's the one you use for Google Meet
hsivonen: invited your corporate account, assume that's the one you use for Google Meet
Yes. Thanks!
Domenic: how are you feeling today and doing for time?
Domenic: how are you feeling today and doing for time?
Today's good, at a doctors appointment for the next 30-60 minutes though

Ari Entlich: sideshowbarker: this is the relevant requirement I think:

When the checked content attribute is added, if the control does not have dirty checkedness, the user agent must set the checkedness of the element to true; when the checked content attribute is removed, if the control does not have dirty checkedness, the user agent must set the checkedness of the element to false.


Coupled with these requirements for the IDL attribute:

The checked IDL attribute allows scripts to manipulate the checkedness of an input element. On getting, it must return the current checkedness of the element; and on setting, it must set the element's checkedness to the new value and set the element's dirty checkedness flag to true.

It seems to me that Firefox is correct.
Ooh wait. Actually, it only sets dirtiness for a single element. So I guess Firefox is wrong, though arguably its behavior makes more sense than Chromium/WebKit.
Maybe there was an intervening spec change years ago that inadvertently changed the required behavior?
well, or maybe the Firefox behavior predates when this was first properly specced
annevk: What in the Web Platform is known to set beStrict to true in https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#idna ? AFAICT, nothing in Gecko does. I'm trying to figure out if ICU4X should support the beStrict = true case.
(My current thinking is not supporting Transitional processing in ICU4X.)
Also interesting: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1788115
hsivonen: validation only; domain to ASCII is intentionally not exported. Maybe file a bug for a note as it seems worth stating explicitly.
hsivonen: And good to see those fixed! I think we still need another round with the Unicode UTS46 folks as they made some changes last year, but not all the ones we wanted and they also broke some tests.
hsivonen: If you have time to help with sorting that through as part of ICU4X that'd be nice.
hsivonen: https://github.com/whatwg/url/labels/topic%3A%20idna
So beStrict = true is needed for checking content for conformance but not for browser processing of anything?
hsivonen: correct.
hsivonen: created for validator.nu (and friends).
I see. I guess now I will have to check how much it costs in binary size to carry around browser-irrelevant data. (At run time, I expect it to cost one ALU register masking operation per input scalar value, so not much.)
Sad: https://github.com/ogham/dog/issues/75
hsivonen: yeah that's a well-known problem. Though I think still not standardized in TLS even...
Recurring theme for me: I'm writing a Rust crate that does something that an existing crate does, but hopefully faster. I investigate doing a drop-in replacement shim and I find that the existing crate does more things, but it's not clear to me how well those more things are use-case-motivated.
Ooh. Now I see the logic in the STD3-special-cased characters. Clearly it's a bad idea to store the STD3-disallowed bit on a per input character basis, and instead one should inspect the output for STD3-disallowed ASCII.
TabAtkins: I see Bikeshed now provides tooltips for terms but them disappearing once you want to select text is rather annoying. E.g., navigate to https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#ref-for-progressevent%E2%91%A0%E2%91%A4 and hover over "ProgressEvent" at the bottom of the Acknowledgments section. Attempt to interact with the seemingly clickable link and other aspects of the tooltip.
I guess this is popover? Hmm.
PSA: All WHATWG standards now build Bikeshed on CI instead of api.csswg.org (we still use api.csswg.org for PR Preview however). If you see anything weird please reach out to Domenic and I per usual.
As a side effect WHATWG green is now restored across all standards. Just hit refresh.
annevk: Argh, it's resetting when you hover over the contained link. Getting these events set up correctly is tricky, sorry about that. I'll file and fix in a bit.
annevk: 4.1.2 uploaded with the fix
Hmm. For https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/10085 how should I properly refer to `NavigationHistoryEntry`, which is defined in browsing-the-web, in Location, which is part of nav-history-apis?
Eh. Well I got it to make *a* link, but it doesn't seem like the right link in the diff page
Oh no, it's the right link. Yay. 🦆