hmm, dom spec has some animation when clicking on an algorithm (to get the popup where it is referred from) Maybe it has been there for quite some time, but it is a bit annoying
I tried to convince the Bikeshed maintainers to remove it, but failed. Maybe you can try again. https://github.com/speced/bikeshed/issues/2772
Root cause is https://matrixlogs.bakkot.com/WHATWG/2024-01-26#L2-L3
Did handling of fragment-only links with a base url change at some point? I recall them being same-document references even if there was a base url, but that has changed?
You may be thinking of CSS url()? IIRC those fail to respect <base>. But href="" has always respected <base>.
Has anybody ever run into a problem with bikeshed generating output with yesterday’s date rather than today’s date? I’m running bikeshed locally, and it’s putting 15 February 2024 into the output it’s generating…
When I was doing the exact same thing yesterday, it was putting 15 February 2024 as expected. But that was yesterday
I find nowhere in my build environment where the date would getting persisted somehow
Maybe it's picking UTC dates?
<Noam Rosenthal>
zcorpan: how about <link rel=expect idref=foo blocking=render>? It's a tad more verbose, but then we can use IDRefs for future "internal resource links", they don't have to be "expect", and it feels a bit more consistent with links.
<Noam Rosenthal>
(rel was never the problem here, it was reusing href)
Ms2ger: not entirely sure tbh. Apparently worklets is more complicated than I remembered.
zcorpan: don't quite remember, it might need some rethinking
Ms2ger: not entirely sure tbh. Apparently worklets is more complicated than I remembered.
Yeah, I saw something pass by. I reverted the times, since those at least seem pretty clearly to be a problem. Happy to adjust around microtasks as that clears up
Please let me know if there's anything I can do to make review easier
jfernandez: do you know if ed25519 has been brought to WebAppSec yet?
Not yet, as far as I known
From one side, I wanted to wait until blink and WebKit ship it by default, ideally both ed25519 and x25519
On the other hand, the spec editor prefers to implement also the Curve488 algorithms and propose both curves altogether
I don’t agree with that, thought; I think we can bring Curve25519 first
jfernandez: I think bringing it to WebAppSec before shipping would be good. Having it in a proper standards setting will help ensure we're all on the same page. I'm at least somewhat hesitant to approve WebKit shipping WICG-only things.
jfernandez: FWIW, I agree with you in terms of scope.
jfernandez: I think bringing it to WebAppSec before shipping would be good. Having it in a proper standards setting will help ensure we're all on the same page. I'm at least somewhat hesitant to approve WebKit shipping WICG-only things.
Ed25519 is already shipped in WebKit, btw
But yeah, it’s indeed better to propose it in the WebAppSec as soon as possible
I’ll take care of it
FYI https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-platform/c/xlLoQdgJy-I